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Dick Merriwell’s Pranks

Dick Merriwell's Pranks



Word Count: 2646    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

Constantinople. On the right lay Asia, on the left Europe. Either shore was lined with b

m that point of view it was a land of enchantment, strange, mysterious, fasc

nn, of the Fardale Military Academy, from which one of the students had been unjustly expelled. This

former roommate at Fardale,

a hand on the shoulder of his comrade, who was leanin

drew a de

lot. I certain didn't allow that the country of

ick. "It certainly is beautiful from here, but I have reasons to b

!" exclaimed Brad. "I'd like to re

t blame you, my boy. Isn't she beautiful!

professor," ag

readjusted his spectacles and thrus

fact, ever since my eyes first beheld her intellectua

d Buckhart,

claimed Di

ke limpid lakes,

gasped b

is a well

talking about?

e professor-"her teeth

y?" muttere

Every movement is a poem. I could worship her! I could spend my life at the

," said Dick, "what i

nchanted, enraptur

t wo

president of the Foreign Humanitarian Society, of Bos

ed Brad. "Wouldn't t

ily, much to the disple

n't like it. It offends me very much. Besides, she may se

g to check his merriment. "You are smashed on the lady

worship her from afar; for, as you say, I am a married man. I have talked with her; I have heard the music of her voice; I have listened to the pearls of wisdom which dropped from her sweet lips

ay, professor. Why, that old lady with the

w dare you speak of Miss Ketchum in such a

essor! Girl! Oh, ha, ha, ha! S

ad, slapping his thigh an

ll see you laughing. She's had trouble enough with that little, dried-up,

or Mowbry Fit

rs or colonels down in Mississippi. He'

e careful. He's fearfully jealous of Miss Ketchum, too. Followed her all the way from the United

ng it, too! What is he thinking of? How can he fancy such a superbly beautiful woman as Miss Ketchum could fancy hi

your medicine, professor," advised Dick. "But I suppose there

must part, but I shall alway

st case I've struck in a

he comes this way! Behave yourselves, boys! Be young

alking along the deck, peering through her gold-rimmed spectacles,

rned Dick. "Keep y

eye on her. She smiled and bowed; he doffed his hat an

Boston. "As you gaze on these shores can you not feel your quivering inner self writhing with the shocking realization of the innumerable excruciating horrors which have s

rtless hordes of the sultan? I know you do! I have seen it in your countenance, molded by noble and lofty thoughts and towering and exalted ambitions, which lift you to sublime heights

, Miss Ketchum!"

ing weakly on the rail. "Did you

boy off his feet. Brad, the professor has lost his head over the lady from Boston, and it is up to y

sorbed in Miss Ketchum and her talk to tell the boys anything about the two c

English-made clothes, paused near the professor and Miss Ketchum,

bothered us so much-the one we found in our stateroom one day. He's list

without turning his head. "B

sorry we let him off without thumping hi

at he got in the

ttered the Texan. "I'd give a whole bun

I found his name on t

t is

z Ac

y full-blooded Turk. H

question. Something tells me we are

t. "I'm getting a heap impatient with him, and I'll be liable to

ng hither and thither amid the passengers, caught sight of Miss Ketchu

affo'd me great pleasure

Professor, permit me to introduce you to Major Mowbry Fitts, of Natchez, Mississippi. Major

ofessor Gunn,

r Fitts, in his

glared at

ite needless, sir," declared Zenas. "I a

lf of any trouble, suh," re

sir," shot back the professor. "It might be tr

here with the goo

s not to be rebuff

ical infirmities, suh," he said, "I

too much

I'm ten years younger than you! My infirmities, sir! You rheumatic, malaria

Sarah Ann, in asto

r. "If yo' do, suh, I'll take it away from yo' and throw it over

enged the irascible old pedagogue, s

e cane, snatched it away, an

o suddenly that the major was taken off his guard and sent flat upo

um screame

im by the collar on the other side. They dragged him off and stood him on his fee

med Merriwell; "you are disgrac

nt, old, pug-faced sinner!" raged Zenas

mingled wonder and enjoyment, many of them being aware

man from Boston has led you into," said Dick, in the ear of t

an was pale, and his eyes glared. He stood on his t

r address in Constantinople, suh, that I may have a friend

n them. He turn

," he said. "It shall go no further. If y

m from Mississippi, and no man can give me an i

forward. "Under the circumstances the affair must be settled in a manner that will sat

jor. "I accept your generous

d Zenas. "Well, he can't frig

ting yo' through the heart," declared Fitts. "

Greeks, Armenians, Turks, Jews, and Italians, who literally fell on the bewildered passengers, as if seeking to rend them limb from limb. They raged

Mowbry Fitts, unless you are anxious to get yourself carved up or shot full of lead. He mean

onor--" b

him handsomely before all the

d, amid the howling mass of human sharks, a fel

ak English?

ges, Italian, Grek

"Here is our luggage. Look aft

a swaying boat, and their luggage followed them like magic. Then came the d

we have seen the last of Aziz Achmet, M

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