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Dwell Deep


Word Count: 2759    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

t and touc


such brief

s helpful

le country station. There was a trap waiting for me outside, in charge of a garrulous old coachman who was quite a character. When he had seen to my luggage and wrapped a fur

e of the Miss Fo

. She's flighty, but she's young, h'and time will mend

say that,' I answered,

'useless body with a very long tongue, h'and it's h'only the mistress's kindness to keep such h'an h'old pottering body h'on, for she's h'always making an h'ado about nothing. I says, "Susan, the mistress h'is h'almost h'equal to a master," and that's saying a good deal. She holds herself high, and she

through it up a short avenue of limes, and then came to one of the prettiest old-fashioned farmhouses that I have ever been in. It was a long, low gable-roofed house, with latticed casements, and autumn-t

ter of business, and she asked me to make you comfortable. Come this

very thick balustrades on either side going up from the middle of it, into a long, low room which, with crimson dr

le stood in the centre of the room. On it was a beautiful chrysanthemum, some magazines and papers, and a pair of riding gloves thrown carelessly down. Two large crimson-covered couches occupied the deep recesses on either side of the fire place. A well-filled bookcase stood opposite between the pretty casement windows,

d table up to the fire, and bringing in a temptin

better with the closed wagonette. I hope John didn't make too free, miss? He has a longer tongue, I tell him, than any woman's; but he has seen a deal of life! He was London born and bred, and goes up every year to vis

me, and wondered when they both got

noon meal. Then, as no one came, a sudden longing took possession of me to try my violin. The dusky twilig

r hand but mine, and so, slipping off my jacket, I was soon in a dr

the last note died away a brisk voice s

ny one play without bein

pologised for making myself so at home, she said sharply, 'Tut, child! No company man

, and then

of my invitation? Are y

s a little shy about it at first; but now I

laugh; 'but I will allow it is a quieter house than


longing to

l gleam in her eye,

ey would rather be without me, and

o your room? I dine at half-past seven, and it is nearly seven now. Have you made friends with Susan? I call her my maid-of-all-work-she was my mother's maid years ago, and has stuck to me ever since. I have a very

farm?' I asked, as I followed he

that part of the business; t

deep window seat. It was furnished simply, but co

ven here I might be given some work to do, and, abov

lk made perfectly plain; she glanced at my lighter

have you brought with you? I tol

other with me,'

and generally look the worse for them,' she continued. 'Why on earth wom

e same as the men's

white would be suitable for young and old, and the variety of face

an amusing account of her last visit to Chicago

ck to the drawing-room, and wit

poor dear sister such trouble? It's enough t

and I hesitated in com

e said, with a little laug

No, I don't think I am; but I am

as yours, but if you try to use very simple lang

General Forsyth that it would be so difficult. I don't care for gaiety, and don't wish to be drawn into it; and they

ving only to pl

ift of her question; 'it is because I don't want

a little contempt

was all she said; but

d you come to the conclusion that you had a

n seem very absurd t

young girls of something the same stamp as yourself, who ran away from home duties to visit in the slums, and because they despise men of the world, lavish all their love and adoration on a wishy-washy curat

't think I quite de

. I did promise not to catechise you the first evening, didn't I? But the temptation proves too stro

n up going out int

yours yet to come. Can you give me any clear reason why you should be differe

ut a steady one; '"Come out from among them, and be ye separa

s the cur

Christ, and I want to

ciety. If I remember my Bible ri

at is why I feel, if I went right into every sort of gaiety I should not be able to stop myself. I know I should become so fascinated a

the right of asking questions. And so you try to make your life one of rigid self-denial? It won't last long, child

d not

ued, after

not natural; and it must be a constant source o

any amount of worldly pleasure never does that, does it? It is a difficult life t

s Rayner asked, her dark, pierci

y has her own friends, and Violet is busy with her lessons. Most of the girls who come to the

aid again; and then she asked

ng with half-closed eyes; but when I put my inst

g,' she said abruptly; 'I sup

so,' I said, flushing, and h

ke the credit of their beauty to themselves, and are quite insufferable with all their airs and graces. I don't say this is the case with you,

hat night. At half-past ten Miss Ra

punctually,' she said; 'so you w

ed me towards Miss Rayner; for, in spite of her blunt manner and tone, I reall

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