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Ethel Morton at Chautauqua


Word Count: 3059    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

introduced them to the director of the Club so that they felt no embarrassment in beginning their new activities. Miss Roberts was a fresh-faced, wholesome young

he summer before, the suggestion which had made so good a basket-ma

club, "than to learn a little bit about several things. Don't be a 'jack of all trades and good at none' girl; be a thorough work-

whispered Dorothy, "a

r. Ethel Blue looked disturbed when she heard what the others were saying, for she had made up her mind to learn basketry, but it seeme

instance, and it is one of our customs to have light gymnastic movements every morning. In about a week the School of Physical Education will have an exhibition in the Am

n the classes both Ethels r

el Blue, "because I've g

ed Ethel Brown, "because

the class in stenciling, but Ethel Blue cross

de up my mind that I wanted to make baskets and I

Is that it?" asked the Director w

anybody here but Eth

o a short, rosy-faced girl whose crisp red hair wa

u know at least one other member of the Girls' Club, and it happens that Della is

ray like one I saw at the Arts and Crafts Studios last summer. Mamma says it would take a gro

ss Roberts. "She's like her dog. He's a bull dog, and I should ha

el Blue's waist and ran with her to the basketry teache

hen they did some easy arm and leg exercises and ende

ames for the camping t

" asked both E

and Girls' Clubs use in turn. There's a great r

ng do w

people go, too, so the mothers nev

"and I'd love to do it because my father has

plan she was not quite so eager as t

go there?"

r boat, Do

king a minute, "and you girls can't learn to swim too quickly. I think I will s

all ready I'll begin t

in every da


hter so she'll work harder to learn than Ethel Brown will. Ethel Brown will t

" cried Ethel B

swimming in ten days," de

in the water, and were caught by the family a dozen times a day taking turns lying on benches and working each other's legs, and making gestu

Ethel Blue. "I flip two fins and wag my feet in

nger, anyway. Teacher

over. 'Poke your nose out of water and you're all right.' It was kind of g

all I had to do to be all right was to stand up. The three arm movements I learne

traight forward a

e R

ght together in fr

egs forward as close to h


raight forward as

ar apart as she could an


and swing them as far

gs together again,

at and swing them as fa

palms together in front of

ou two kids chanting," ejaculate

ork our arms and that means we can keep aflo

mmer; "while you're learning try hard not to make any usele

ays. 'Lost motion is bad anywhe

"You just keep up that bench syste

e bench and Ethel Brown put her cousin's heels togeth

," she

e to her body as they would go, and a muffled gro

r arms go at the same time? Now leg Nu

l Blue; "I want to learn these le

t as she could and as far back as possible, the feet still being horizontal; "an

st one," panted Ethel Blue. "If you wag them

ead some distance. Now let me try," and she took her turn on the bench while E

for two min

as she resumed her upright position and helped

high out of water as I could and tried to forget that my forehead was being

his compliments-or he would if he happened to think of it-and says that when he was

cky's age-'for divers' reasons'; and he

too knowing, you ki

ock reading hour, Grandmother is taking her embroidery lesson at the Arcade, and Mary is d

adies how to resuscitate a drowned person. If one of y

nd proceeded to his self-imposed task a

to do is to start up your circulation by rubbing you like the mischief and then rolli

nk y

d of one; first, I must start up your breathing onc

agreed both

the sand by putting his ar

t to fall back and stop up his throat. To prev

hel Blue as Roger suite

outh will run out. Sometimes this is enough. If it isn't, then turn the patient on his side-" he rolled Ethel Blue on edge-"and try to arouse breathing by putting ammon

r la

ptly under these kind attentions the

make-believe breathing

s face again,"-and over went Ethel Blue-"putting something thick l

relief!" grun

once more. Move him once in every four slow counts. Every time he goe

lated Ethel Blu

ople to do all these thin

ack, one to keep his head off the ground as he is rolled

s the most important if there d

es of this, try putting him on his back with a coat or something under his shoulder-bl

between the elbow and the wrist and pulls them back along the ground un

rated Ethel Blue, but she was silenced

de of the body again the air

them back along the ground until the hands touch above his head. This draws the air into the lungs, and when y

l Brown interestedly while Ethel Blue ma

ments about fifteen times a minute-that's pretty nearly what Nature does-and have relays of

hen you do get through with him!"-she panted; "the

the heart and pack him around with hot water bottles and hot cloths. Give hi

ould think, after having his

agreed Et

o right to sleep

I'd rather be rescued before these vigo

rson who gets over his depth

won't g

t your arms above your head with

rt as they will go. Bring the arms

t way is to grasp his arms from behind above the elbows and put your knees in the small of his back. That will throw him into

learned to sw

ogether and forwa

arm s

r legs down and as far apart as they will go; then bring them together and forward you'll shoot. Draw th

t you're up

and then bringing them in a steady sweep down to the sides. You'd better learn this; it's

ice on you," sugg

eizing his coat he made a run for liberty, escapin

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