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Word Count: 1922    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and capered in a very confident manner. For the moment he was content to say nothing more to the giant. He ha

occasionally glanced at the others to see if this or that skilful pass had

ither he was bound; and when Everychild replied, quite simply, tha

e. "Maybe he'll not do anything when he finds you're a good giant," he said; "

a giant it seems you don't know how to take the little chaps. I've always regarded Jack the Giant Killer as a brave and honorable youth. But some of the little fellows are hard to ha

dy was standing there, quite close to him, and that Mr. Literal was only a step or two distant. Mr. Literal held his note-book before h

nodded his head toward Everychild and his companion, "but just the same, I could wish to see him in better company

ly little creatures who consider precisio

whose manner had suddenly changed and who now appro

as only joking awhile ago w

hen," replied the gia

my way of getting acquainted

e wonderful to be as strong as you are. The way you ought to be

e it!" repli

A terrible bludge

power or fame I think of ... it's a little difficult to explain. Wings. I

But a sling-shot, at least-of course you

ed his arms with a candid gesture, so th

l that you are!" he exclaimed, "to confess that you are helpless! Do you suppose we are deceived

ettel clasped her hands tensely and a light at once fearful and eager leaped into her eyes.

ringing to the side of the gian


space; and at that moment, from out the depths o

Killer! Jack t

istant, yet son

the forest but Father Time! He carried his scythe and sand-glass, and he moved forward with m

and advanced with his right hand uplifted. He seemed very stern. His eyes traveled from one face to another

yes for a moment or two. A tragic change oc

othes were in tatters, his form was

ingly and forlornly at Father Time. "What have

lmly: "I have laid my

... my boots: see, they have been changed. They were new an

upon you again and yet again, you shall possess the true seven-leagu

as rich and fine before you

upon you again and yet again, it shall be given t

ord. With a sob he exclaimed,

Killer, beneath my touch the sword of

of the others. "Have I no friend here?"

with pity; but before he coul

ontentment shall come: a friend more unfailing than a strong arm. And hope shall come: a friend more fleet

"And my beautiful swor

o'Dreams, who stepped forward to comfort Jack

aid that I am generous. Listen: I alone among all the race of giants have power to

nd Father Time, walking backwa

Lady took a step forward, sayin

our heart and place your hand in mine, I can make you bea

ked. And then he tried to approach her, but he had

the giant, Will o'Dreams, was instantly about

"Let me help too!" he cried. "I have al

ay youth, moved totteringly toward the Masked Lady. With a slow, tremu

gallant youth again, seven-league boots, i

!" And to Everychild he said, "They shall never be deceived who put their faith in you." And to the giant, Will o'Dreams, he sai

d gallantly away

haps we ought to sleep awhile," he said to his companions. "This seem

nk, the giant Will o'Dreams lying down

nsects in the forest about them made a droning sound. A distant b

And he knew that the Masked Lady had taken

e sky where it appeared through the trees. And suddenly

m soothingly: "Perhaps. The

wn this. "Do they?" he

is so we may know that they don'

h! But they are wo

hey are

nt to a great deal, is t

but human

gs ... and

the most obscure or humble or

rt. He gazed away into the mysterious sky. He mused, "What a

e words, "A little bit of G

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