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Faithful Margaret


Word Count: 3567    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

sky like glittering pearl, arching over a waste of pho

gentlemen paced the deck, and beguile

ind him and his back to all, gazed ov

r-present sneer still marred his lips, as, deep in unac

nd Fortune! hast thou rolled the hypocritical saint in my bank-notes, and hung golden offerings upon her Medusa head, while I, the honest scoundrel, am stripped naked to supply the ovation? Well, doubtless, she has worked harder for it th

erfering with his reverie, for Captain Brand had a name for exclusiveness on board the Bellerophon. He may have had a name for some more inter

rough his eye-glass with an air at once inquisitive and complacent; and a little behind

it whispered-somewhat crooked, which is, to say the least, best adapted to equestrianism

turn the back upon our merry company? Throw care to the dogs; so"-wit

omed down upon th

d he, ironically, "do me the infi

ack, threw up his hand

of the world. Par la meese! You know nothing, except to drink and keep silence. No, monsieu

adieu, and was retreating, when the

al want. Pray remain, that I may study you up. With

. I like you, monsieur. I present myself. I am called the Cheva

am called Captain Brand, of the Coldstream Guards-have just s

hands and

wn to the little chevalier; he li

ossy beard. He was attractive; there was intelligence in the bold forehead, penetration in the beaming eye, a purpose in

d ready for business, the ni

ca? So am I-we will be comr

oin the army. I shall either find

me of late. I would feed my wrinkled purse with Ameri

e French?" deman

monsieur, with a shrug.

your bir

n in Vienna, in Geneva, in Turi

mit En

ve in England. I

speak Eng

count me an expert. Insisted on giving me the post of Prof

mark of distinction?" laughed the captain, touching a flut

rule, the pen, the pestle, I abhor. I hear the blast of the trumpet, I return to my first loves. I cross to Algiers. I fight my way up till I win my grade, and this bagatelle. Nothing more there to pick. I looked around; the rays of glory are beginning to gild the long slumbering west. I leave the ancient world, and

am at your service,"

friend to his state-room, and

where he had been reading, and made

anned it curiously, whose thin, gray hair and immense overhanging gray mustache showed traces of cares rather than of years, and whos

hrough his heart, which had never so thrilled before. He turned

ing toward him from the gloomy future-s

s? The captain, scoffing, threw it from

his rough English (he invariably spoke French to th

t he had found an adversary worthy of him, and Captain Brand swore that for want of more piquant sauce a ga

t whatever he did-talk, sing, drink wine, or muse-the secret, shifting eyes of Thoms, the valet, ne

the Chevalier de Calembours, with a complacent chuckle and

eoning him, en passant. Yes, he has keener scent than monsieur, my patron, gave him credit for-he won'

-room, over a tiny green note-book, jotted down some things he wished to remember, then thrusting away his little b

d his own in the sour captain's esteem,

ched the glittering city of New York, glowing in their eyes, as the

ilors, civilians, and soldie

s with smiling nonchalance; but Captain Bran

brush by her robes and seize the treasure which she guards? Shall mon ami live the short and merry life

and laughe

out fame to gild it?" growled he.

eeth in a hungry arch, "I, too, will go southward, because, that to me my life is very much worth, and I

ce beamed with

s long as you live," utter

e shall say so. But each has his motive pardieu, and a sensible motive

ed the silent lips of

ene, bound close together by Circumstance's chain, yet sundered in soul by walls as deep as dungeon walls, and the

glory," they crie

gold," they whisp

death!" they s

ed the beckoning hand,

evening in New York. On the morrow

had staid at the same hotel, and were, of co

etween his master and his master's friend, and lost no op

er was serenely smoking on the balcony. Thoms silently plod

said the captain, throwing down hi

over it eagerly. The cold, superior smile melted from his scornful mouth; the kee

to reach for the letters, took

rl which returned St. Udo's yearning, qu

ding for a moment in the hall, g

fus Gay, M.D.," and "Lady Jul

st ten minutes; and when he did, he stole out with the letters in his hand,

of their men, and halted not until some three days subsequentl

and cotton plantations, and over deep, yielding morasses, where the giant gourd

r, turned suddenly in his saddle to look for Thoms,

do; his eyes gleamed like glow worms in the dusk; he w

St. Udo, sternly. "W

back with

as listening to some sou

estly a lie-yet the haughty Englishman only swore at hi

time away in light jests and piquant anecdotes of a life neither t

shipers of that star of song, Jenny Lind, analyse each tone, each delicate inflection of her voice in the day of her most glorious effulgence, as did Thoms the tones of St. Udo Brand; and when the soldier, weary of speech, sank

little detachmen

o their purpose was the wide-spread

mmer of a myriad of soaring fire-flies, and spar

ed cordial jests and friendly converse, while Thoms, hovering over the camp-fires and boili

the valet retreated for a moment beyond earshot, for another armful of fagots. "H

dropper, will he?" hissed th

with straining ears and a face which looks 'just like a stratagem,' a

ing we parted for New York," muttere

of Thoms, who grimly took his post near the pair, a

ment they forgot the haunting demon in the shadow of the tent, till St. Udo, happening

his shaggy head as St. Udo threw back his, gesticulating with his long, brown hand as St. Udo waved his, his

of astonishment, caught the man's antics mid-air, and

s stood in his eyes. "To see him roll his head, and wave his hand, and mouth after me my ver

n act to fly. His cheeks were white, his lips withered, his very ha

with your excuses!" screamed

, with chattering teeth and a glare of hatred. "I was

mocked St. Udo. "Pity we are in truth not twin br

for him he did not permit the angry chevalier a view of his

. "We have had enough of you for to-night,

ing camp-fire, and, apparently, fell fast asleep. The brother colonels abused hi

cypress swamp and brooded over the camp. St. Udo stirred in hi

creeping into his bosom, almost touching him with his gray hair, almost stifli

nd caught him by the throat. A book fell fro

u want, confound you

ce supplicatingly, and held u

nded St. Udo, releasing him as unworthy

d the wretched old creature. "You lay so still

d St. Udo. "What did you want with

, gray locks damp with perspiration, his abject terror and abject helplessness, all appea

not worth my ire!" exclaimed St. Udo. "And mind that

me stay near to watch-to save

o. "Why do you haunt me day and night? Why do you run upon my trail like a sleuth-ho

and stared at by the little chevalier, comin

homs, mon ami?" ques

il?" cried St. U

oi. I wish we did,"

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