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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 4411    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ng the door-bell a little hesitating pull. But the summons was promptly answered by the undesirable person in question, and she greeted the visitor with a mocking curtsey. S

t for such a place, I know-at all events, not at present; and I should not put you with the other servants, and upstairs you could do nothing. However that does not signify. The th

mbling with joy at the very thought of escap

settled then. Com

rge bath-room, a few steps a

water for you. That will be enough. And stay in as long as you like, or can, and try not only to wash off all the dirt on your skin, but all thought and recollection of Moon Street and Harrow Road and doorsteps,

o be in that smooth enamelled basin, where she could lie at full length and move her limbs freely

rself in new, clean, sweet garments, over all a gown of a soft grey material, loose at the waist, and reaching nearly to the ankles-a kind of "Maid Marian"

turned her round, while Fan glanced shyly at her own reflect

fe. And your eyes-don't be afraid to show them, Fan. If you had not looked at me yesterday with those eyes, I should have thought no more about you. Long lashes. Eyes grey-yes, grey decidedly, though at times they look almost sapphire blue; but the pupils are so large-that is perhaps the secret of their pathetic expression. That will do. You think it strange, do you not, Fan? that I should take you into my house and clothe you-a poor homeless girl; for I don't suppose that you can do anything for me, and you will therefore only be an extra expense. A great piece of f

me what it is?" exclaimed Fan, he

not charitable, and care nothing about the poor. I have taken you in for my own pleasure; and as I think well of you, I am going to trust you implicitly. You may stay in this room when I am out, or go into the back room on this floor, where you can

and a polished floor, partly covered with a Turkish carpet; but there was very little furniture in it, and the atmosphere seemed chill and heavy, for it was the old unrenewed air of a room that was never used. On a large centre table a number of artistic objects were lying together in a promiscuous jumble: Japanese knick-knacks; an ivory card-case that had lost its cover, and a broken-bladed paper-kni

helter two or three families, so richly decorated with its red and cream colours, yet silent and cold and dusty and untenanted! On the mantelpiece of grey marble stood a large ornamental clock, which ticked not and the hands of which were stationary, supported on each side by bronzes-a stalwart warrior in a coat of mail in the act of drawing his sword, and a long-haired melancholy minstrel playing on a guitar. A few landscapes in oil were also hanging on th

green shrubs in it, and a few China asters-white, red, and purple-still blooming. No sound came to her at that quiet back window, except the loud glad chirruping of the sparrows that had their home there. How still and peaceful it seemed! The pale October sunshine-pale, but never had sunshine seemed so divine, so like a glory

Then, even while she asked, wondering, thinking that it was all like a strange beautiful dream, unable yet to realise it, suddenly as by inspiration the meaning of the words Miss Starbrow had spoken to her flashed into her mind; and the thought made her tremble, the blood rushed to her face, and she felt her eyes growing dim with tears of joy. Was it true, could it be true, that this proud, beautiful lady-how mu

ttle cat! Who said you mi

ousemaid. But the pretty eyes were sparkling vindictively, the breath

e here," returned Fan, s

d she tell you? And don't lie, beca

as si

nstantly and take your filthy rags to the dust-bin, and ask cook for a bottle of carbolic acid t

and then replied, "I'll onl

little beggar picked out of the gutter, a sneaking area thief, put into the house for a spy! You vile cat, you! A starving mangy cur! Yes, I'll give you your dinner; I'll feed you on swill and dog-biscuits, and that's better than you ever had in your

almost ran into each other; but Fan's whole previous life had served to make her indifferent

re demonstrative. "Somebody's been trimming you," she said. "I s'pose Miss Starbrow was your barber-a nice thing for a lady! Well, I never! But there's one thing she forgot. Here's a pair of scissors. Now, little sick monkey, sit still while I trim your eyelashes. It'll be a great improvement, I'm sure. Oh, you won't! Well,

iet and let me trim


tim down, she could do nothing worse than make faces, thrust out her tongue, and finally spit at Fan. Then she thought of s

h the other, tired of the struggle, released her. Fan bared her arm, displaying a large discoloration, and moistened it with her mouth to soothe

tell-tale sneak! Then I'll be even with

leave me alone,

one if you'll tell me what you are here for-everything about yoursel

more," returned Fan, whereupon Rosie s

soon recovered her composure. Her happiness was too great to be spoiled by so small a matt

. "Here's your food, starved puppy; lap it up, a

ng it thick and muddy. Now, although on any previous day of her hungry orphaned existence she would have wiped off the ashes and eaten the food, on this occasion she determined not to touch it. Her new surroundings and dress, and the thought that she was no longer without someone to car

and calling. "Open, you cat!" she cried. "I must take the things down,

a'n't open the door till the lady comes

food and beer, without any ashes in it this time, and put it on the table. "Now, have your dinner, miss," she said, with mock humility. Sh

be I'll not say an

n't mean no harm; it's only her little funny ways." And having thu

e in and found Fan still sitting by

ust be half frozen," she

e kind greeting, her eyes brightening and her face flushing with that st

I'm not a bit c

glove and touched the gir

nyhow," she returned. "Come int

rate; and Miss Starbrow, taking off her hat and cloak, sat down. After regarding the gi

he other's face, only to drop her eyes abashed again

, ma'am?" And after a few moments she added, "I w

and then frowned a little a

ifference to have you in the house, and if it did I shouldn't care. But you must look after yourself for the present, as I have just got rid of one servant and there are only two to do ev

said Fan, whose last word

oticed you. The only way in which I should care to employ you would be as lady's-maid, and for that you are unfit. Perhaps I shall have you taught needlework and that kind of thi

maid came up with t

one, and some more bread-and

e back room, ma'am," returned Ro

er, and when she set the cup and plate of bread-and-butter on the tray her hand trembled, whi

arbrow had been strangely kind

e take off my dress, Fa

e and awkwardness, and after a little while she found that combing those long rich black tresses was an easy and very deli

ith my hair the bette

much to her; if the glass had not been before them-the glass in which from time to time she saw the half-close

to her seven o'clock dinner, leaving Fan alone by the fire. After dinner she came

in the drawing-room

rose to go t

d by-and-by the maid will give you some supper in the back room.

ss, remembering her promis

nyone says to you. Servants are always vile, spiteful creatures, and will a

ul twilight and warmth of that luxurious room, and

e! come and ha

here her supper and a lighted lamp were

ll the trut


ave you told M


ask you a

I didn't

sie; and giving her a box on

e baritone voice began singing, and was succeeded by a woman's voice, a rich contralto, for they were singing a duet; and voice following voice, and anon mingling in pass

, until the maid came up with a candle to show her to her bedroom. They went up togeth

he candle on the table, "and now I'm going to

and tell Miss Starbrow everything

Now you can scream your loudest,

y of some old violent wrangle came to her aid, and springing forward she blew out the can

re was no answer. For some time Rosie stumbled about until she found the doo

time, and quickly locking the do

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