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Fashion and Famine


Word Count: 2734    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

n every bur

ded in the m

pulse its an

still that

he black night that seemed to engulf her, together with the man to whose hand she was clinging. The rain was pouring around him. The winds sweeping through the drops, lulled a little, but were still violent. He stood motionless in the

mpted to turn his vehicle, aroused Jacob from his abstraction. He tu

ll be wanted ag

for sitting before any lady's door on a night like this, nobody kno

ill one of the carriage wh

if you are afraid of the rain; but as for

houted the driver, giving

hrusting a silver dollar into the man's hand. "This is for yourse

a pocket that seemed unfathomable, "that's an argument to reconcile one to cold water: because,

swered Jacob, holding the litt


ed Jacob, dismount

in the neighborhood to light up by!" muttered the

was the ter

y neck, and smas

get safely back to the Astor, there'll be anot

f up in his overcoat like a turtle in its shell, he cowered down in his

little contention had, for the moment, diverted him. He looked upward-far, in a gable overhead a

at broke up from the depths of his heart. His nature strong, and but slowly excited, grew ungovernable when fully aroused. Never till that hour had his imagination been so glowing, so terribly awake. A thousan

the attic. A single ray of light penetrating a key-hole, guided him to the door of that singular chamber. He drew

nd persuasive to a degree of fascination. He could not endure them; they glided through his heart like serpents distilling poison from every coil. He laid his hand upon the latch, hesitated, and turning away, crept through the darkness, ashamed of what he had done. He an eaves-dropper, and

and both knees pressed hard by his elbows. Then he would stand up in the darkness quiet as a statue; not a murmur could possibly reach his ear from the room.

y-hole, when the door was suddenly opened and Leicester came out. With the abrupt burst of light rushed a cry, wild and quivering with angu

lled her? Is

friend, nothing more!

lay prone upon the bed, her face pale as dea

t the hair back from her temple

ce expressed profound compassion, a gleam of wild joy broke

e there. He flung up the window, and dashing open a shutter, held out his palm. It was soon full of water-drops, and with these he bathed her forehead and her pale mouth, while a gu

er elbow, put him back with one hand, whil

she questioned; "oh,

g that his voice shook-"no, I will not call him ba

on the pillow, and clo

e then-l

over her, went out. He had half descended the coil of

arkness, and like a wild beast guided by the insti

one hand was upon his revolver all the time. "Oblige me by relaxing your hand just th

them," muttered Jacob, fiercely, "and close

tiful reptiles, but rather dangerous to play with. Oh, I am glad that your fingers relax, it would

tered Jacob, be

ugh, that sounded strange

this darkness makes me quite dependent

his hand was stretched forth and clasped with the soft, wh

will lead

mble, friend-not

nest lips of Jacob Strong; but he conquered the impul

pe one's way through all this darkness

trance. The moment they gained the open air, Jacob wrenched his hand from the other's grasp, and hurrying down the steps, op

off went the dripping horses, plunging furiously onward through the darkness, winding round whole blocks of buildings, doubling corners, and crossing one street half a dozen tim

n him time for deliberation. He was no longer a slave to the rage that an hour before seemed to

er, as he ran up the steps. "I

t manner. All his faculties were now under control, and

the dark passages of the mansion-house, or was it only the coachman? The profound darkness had prevented him seeing that another person occupied the driver's seat when he left the carriage; and Jacob's air was so like a brother

to pay you, m

lady paid, but then it

achman only. The former tone had been quick, peremptory, and inspired with passion; now it was calm, drawling, and mar

nd moving toward the li

half dollar," he said, turning away with t

and tell me-if it is within the limits of your geograp

ob, turning back wi

number and street was i

kon it was nigh upon Tw

the n

red just there,

know th

it. The man told me when to stop, s

as he, a servant

difficult to tell which is which sometimes. He acted like a hired man to


rom his hat, "one word is jest as good as t'other, I calc

isted Leicester, intent upon gaining some

I gues

to-morrow, and I wi

k you

me your card-the numbe

Jacob's face. "Cards, sir, I never

ter la

to travellers, that they may

s with great fervor, but in vain

-I hain't got the least

l me your numbe

Jacob's head, was given with a quiet simplicit

to-morrow, say

h his loose joints and ungainly figure,

Should you know

orced back the exclamation, and though his frame trembled at

I guess that face ain

r again, perhaps, b


ewd, sensible f

lks used to say I

nformation about almost

enerally considere

inquiry in the shops and groceries about the neighborhoo

odded h

paid for the trou

was the com

man will bring you to my rooms,

changed, that Leicester's suspicions mus

wn the Astor House steps. He dashed the silver impetu

achman; then sinking back in the seat and knitting his great hands hard together, he mutt

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