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Fighting in Cuban Waters


Word Count: 2486    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


the mat

ticket from Boston to F

ou out after he struck you down," suggested t

d-everything,-my money, keys, cash,-all are

money did

was that railroad ticket order. If tha

e mentioned o


be presented? any

k and New England

f the order detained, if the slip is presented," went on the police officer, and

the New York and New England r

the reply ov

has been stolen. It is made out in the name of Walter Russell. If it is pr

ited query, and Walter's heart began to s


filled. It was presented ab

opped into a chair. "What will the navy-yar

eant, kindly, "seeing as you were knocked senseless by

ion of the party having the order, and soon le

to have him arrested when he a

ed the police officer. Then he turned again to the telephone. "

ass, with

l, but sell the pasteboard at some cut-rate ticket office right

ut if the ticket was sold

alike. We might trace the sleeping-car checks, but I

," ventured Walter, hardly

s keep an eye open for the rascal," concluded the serge

off to recover some stolen property and end by losing more," he groaned. "I'

lowly in that direction. To keep up his courage he tried to whistle, but the effort was a dismal failure. Walt

oon the first bundles of papers came along, and he sorted them over and arranged them for sale and for D

"Why didn't you come home last night? Mother ex

le in a few words, for Dan must be off, to serve several men with n

boy. "I've got two dollars, Walter. You ca

Mr. Newell first. But it's k

e new clerk. "But the fact is I haven't even

ual, to see that Gimpwell got along all right. Calling him aside, Walter told of what had hap

rock, and no mistake, Walter," cried the old nava

so much for the money, but that

through his bushy hair. "I don't believe the nav

her d

e too good for to get such a paper and

houldn't want them to think I was-was

as I can see, is to call on Ca

does he

nker Hill monument. I don't know the number, b

th me? If I hav

just as soon as I can set the

ind-that is, would you make m

I told you before I'd be your friend, and

enty dollars and thirty-five cents, and Mr. Walton said that wa

from his pocket and counted out the amount. "You can pay me back when you recover your money

, s

ile I instruct Gimpwell. I'll be r

a car which took them directly over to Charl

topped the car. "And just in time, for th

certainly a mess," he continued, after he had been told. "No, I'm certain

see what we can do,"

ng could be gained, but finally one of the higher officers took it upon his own shoulders to give W

coming away. "I feel as if a thousand pounds were

ton. "Be sure and be at the depot on t

cket," said the youth. "If

think you ought to come to Boston," he concluded. "If the police can't do anything, a detective ought to be set on this Deck Mumper's track. You are holding a good deal of money in trust for Ben, Larry, and me, and for my part, I would spend a good deal rat

p in hand, walked to the depot. Here he found several jackies already assembled, and soon learned that they were member

ered the depot and procured their tickets. Then Walter asked about the stolen order, but the clerk had heard nothing new con

ound their proper places. Soon there came a sharp jerk, the

le about warships, but who had spent several years on the rolling deep, in voyages to South America, to Nova S

or that was what he said all of his friends "to hum" called hi

for the Brookly

o long as they give me a chance at them tarnal Dons. When the Maine was blowed up, why, I jest jumped up an' down an' up an' down with rage. 'Si Doring,' sez I, 'Si Doring, are you a-going to let such an insult a

e been on two trips across Lake Erie, and know something, but I'm af

vessel jest as a person has got to learn a new city and its streets, fer boats ain't built one like another, not by a jugful! And after we have learned the ship, we've got to learn the guns, and the fire-drill, and how to cle

, and several persons including a sailor got on board. The sailor came through t

olk, too," Walter and Si

nkee sailor. "I wonder if

w him?" ask

three-master from Penobscot. I sailed under him once, and he was the hardest man on shipboard I ever

assigned to my ship," was Walter's comment. "

nt on the Yankee. "But I've enlisted to do my duty and lick the Spanish, and if Hask

When he saw the Yankee he started and then scowled at him. "Hav

d Si. "Got any ob

ate of the Sunflower passed on, to drop in

that he agreed with him. Walter was destined to many an encounter wit

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