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For the Honor of Randall


Word Count: 1930    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e do to hav

on your

self to a movin

hole circus

his chums who had made answers, for Dutch had invaded the precinct of their room

, can't you?" pleaded D

you, Dutch. We have to study in order to know anything

or bust," declared the fun

e big Californian solemnly. "It messes up a room horribly t

. "After all I've done to a

n a new teacher," advised Tom. "

t was a sore point with him yet, thou

d his chums had seized on the excuse of asking about them, to pay several visits to Fairview, until Miss Philock, the aged preceptress "smelled

f going to see your o

others, though some of t

e cold did not diminish, an

wled Dutch, as he sat in the chums' ro

," declared Tom with a yawn, flinging a book behin

ents. It's practically decided that we'll be one of a four-sided league. The only point

has any chanc

e runs, and Frank here is jumping his head off, and going

remarked Tom. "So Shamble

s seemed to think he had a yellow streak in him, b

an ever, that Shambler did have a yellow s

Tom. "But I promised to keep still, and I will. If anything happens-well, th

fellows. I've got a surprise for you. I've been holding it up my sleeve, thinking you'd sugg

ed Sid, glancing

d I guess Zane won't make a fuss if we ask him for a little

ank. "I've had enough

urprise and some fun, or you need never trust me again. It's a fine

m. "No skylarking with t

anteed Dutch. "Be sports, and co

going to fly ki

r has built a home-made ice boat. I saw him at i

you were an expert on i

d the fun of it is that the boat goes like a charm. He said I could take it any night I wanted to, and I'm

he ham sandwich!" cri

l let us go,

yielded and soon the five students were w

h permission to use it, and soon the boys had slid it

to run it?" ask

it? All you have to do is to hoist th

en," directed Sid. "I'd

," boasted Dut

ried Phil, for the craft was even now

n't stop this like an auto, you

n, with Dutch at the helm, and to

how to manage an ice boat as a Hottentot would about running

easoned with himself. "And if it doesn't switch around, and blow us ba

t began to move

" demanded D

ever knew you could sai

telling all I know," r

u steer?"

o to the left you shove this handle over this way, and the opposit

and five figures sprawled out on the ice, while the craft t

d Phil sarcastically, "or was this just a s

," declared Tom, rubbing

mered Dutch. "I can do better n

away, if it's all the same to you. Hold on there!" he cried a

n ice boat," insisted Sid.

ght," declared Dutch. "Come on now, g

ey were off. For a time all went well. The ice was smooth and hard, and the breeze powerful enough t

he said. "The ogress can't do more than turn us

greed Phil a

s shebang?" asked

an. I'll land you on sh

and you can wait there until we co

've got troubles enough to manage this b

hat moment two figures were seen walking along on the surface of the frozen

t run into them

" declared

right for 'em!

erted the steersman. "Just you fell

aring down straight on the two figures. They halted, hesit

lady!" c

ore out hi

r I'm a sinner!"

d a rift of clouds, throwing

ou're going!" war

d in a hoarse whisper.

o he's with!

at on the two, like

amed Miss Philock, a

n us down!" cautioned

d with this rudder!" cr

nd nearer it came to the luckless two, who were on the frozen river. There w

ice boat, clinging to a mast stay. As for Miss Philock, she was struck by one of the runners, tosse

ge her mind, and did a sort of waltz and two-step combined. Next, with a sharp swing, the craft turned gracefully o

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