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Maria; Or, The Wrongs of Woman

Maria; Or, The Wrongs of Woman


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 2184    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

c spell of genius to harrow the soul, and absorb the wondering mind. But, formed of such stuff as dreams are made of, wh

ul velocity following another, threatened to fire her brain, and make her a fit companion for the terrific inhabitants, whose groans and shrieks were no unsubstantial sounds of whistling winds, or startled birds, modulated by a romantic

r half speaking half cooing, and felt the little twinkling fingers on her burning bosom-a bosom bursting with the nutriment for which this cherished child might now be pining in

e mourned for her child, lamented she was a daughter, and anticipated the aggravated ills of life that her sex rendered almost inevitable, even while dreading she was no more. To think that s

civilized depravity, a similar plot could have entered a human mind. She had been stunned by an unexpected blow; yet life, however joyless, was not to be indolently resigned, or misery endured without exertion, and proudly termed patience. She had hitherto meditated only to point the dart of anguish, and suppressed t

patience began to subside, and resentment gave place to tenderness, and more tranquil meditation; though anger once more stopt the calm current of reflection when she attempted to move her manacled arms. But thi

and the stones not wanted to patch up the breaches of time, and exclude the warring elements, left in heaps in the disordered court. Maria contemplated this scene she knew not how long; or rather gazed on the walls, and pondered on her situation. To the master of this most horrid of prisons, she had, soon after her entrance, raved of injustice, in accents that would have justif

atures, and large black eyes, which she fixed steadily on Maria's, as if she designed to intimidate

who had previously determined to sp

ny ladies under my care, who have resolved to starve themselves; but, s

?" asked Maria, meeting the

or appearing at times so reasonable. You have not touched a morsel since you entered the hou

orcible reply, and made Maria pause, before she added-"Yet I will take some refreshment: I mean not to die.-No; I will preserve my senses; and convince even

the brow of her guard, as she at

e betrayed the agonizing emotions she was labouring to keep down; and conquering a qualm of disgust, she calmly endeavoured to eat enough to prov

ve me mad, till you are obliged to acknowledge the contrary." The woman was no fool, that is, she was superior to her class; nor had misery quite petrified the life's-blood of humanity, to which reflections on our own misfortunes only give a more orderly cours

l wider, and uttered a-"hem!" before she enquired-"Why?" She was briefly told, in reply, that the malady was hereditary, and the fits not occurring but at very long and irregular

integrity of her conduct. A deadly blight had met her at the very threshold of existence; and the wretchedness of her mother seemed a heavy weight fastened on her innocent neck, to drag her down to perdition. She could not heroically determine to succour an unfortunate; but, offended at the bare supposition that sh

ucing stupidity, the moping melancholy of indolence; or the restless activity of a disturbed imagination. She sunk into one state, after being fatigued by the other: till the want of occupation became even more painful than the actual pressure or apprehension of sorrow; and the confinement that froze her in

ce, and ceased to wonder at the perversions of the understanding, which systematize oppression; but, when told that her child, only four months old, had been torn from her, even while she was discharging the tenderest maternal office, the woman awoke in a bosom long estranged from feminine emotions, and Jemima determined to alleviate all in her power, without hazarding the loss of her place, the sufferings o

an outcast from society, could be permitted to earn a subsistence in a reputable family. Hearing Maria perpetually complain of listlessness, and the not being able to beguile grief by resuming her customary pursuits, she was easily prevailed on, by compassion, and that involuntary respect for abilities, which those who possess them can never eradicate, to bring her some books and impl

eagerness did she endeavour to shorten the long days, which left no traces behind! She seemed to be sailing on the vast ocean of life, wit

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