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Freaks of Fortune


Word Count: 1870    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

sked Dock Vincent, as the you

y Flag," replie

e large yacht,


ll me that vessel's c

g, Jr.," answered Levi, beginning to move off, for he was not dis

tell us about her," sai

ut I am in

I have some bad

d n

his morning, just after you we

young skipper, interested now,

rosses it," replied Dock, pointing to th


in his timbers. He has taken to his bed, and I

Levi, with entire sincer

re to locate himself at a considerable di

the plank so as to make him fall,

ed the attentive listener.

nswered Dock, softening his tones, so


so, but that don't m

s him thin

he P'int before he did. You were running over to Wats

over the plank t

he old man come down here; and he do

the rocks, as I always do when I come across

i," added Dock, in deprecatory tones. "I only tell

don't h

ked Dock, with

ot," answered Le

ere's been between you and the old man, it would

blime doctrine of forgiving one's enemies, than the beasts of the field or the fowls of the air. In his view it was the most natural thing in the world for the

for him," continued Levi, earnestly, but thoughtfully,

, by and by, and I'll tell him w

l go and see him myself," said Levi, a

t to talk with you about that v

g off on a cruise in three or four days. Do you know of any youn

eflection. "He'll make a first-rate hand for you. I rather


ll outsail anything of her inches that ever floated. If you want Mat Mogmore, he'll be glad

his uncle at once, and call at Mr. Mogmore's house on his way home. With some difficulty he escaped from his ancient enemy, and crossing the plank, which had been placed in

thought he was "a leetle more comfortable," and told Levi to go in and see him if he wanted to, for

than?" asked Levi, kindly,

him with a savage st

ve had such a fall

irfield? It's all your work, and 'tain't likely you keer how much I suf

k, uncle?" aske

lank over the cut so's

ure I did not,"

e old man, suffering as muc

ave not touched the plank; and I

see you standin' over to Watson's new house jest afore I fell. You want to ki

n of me, uncle," replied Levi, mor

you mean to have the rest on't arter I'm gone,"

nk I took the gol

else took it, and nobody could done i

rry you think so hard of me. I'm ready a

me back



only excited him. After repeating, in the gentlest of tones,

ey up. 'Tain't no use to try to git red on me, for I'm go'n' to make a

our money?" asked Levi, beginning to be ind

ant to kill me for

to kill you,

so 'tain't no use to try

rnoon visit. Levi left immediately, and called at the house of the carpenter. Mat Mogmore, after some haggling, consented to become one of the crew of the yacht. He was a young man of eighteen, who had made two or three fishing voyages, and was a smart, active fellow. He had been rather intimate with Dock since the return of

airfield. He found the old man agitated,

," said the visitor, seati

incent," replied the old man, trying to ris

l, Squire Fairfield, and don't

d the miserable man, the tears starti

squire?" asked th

it'll kill me. That boy must be took up, and sarched till the money's found. I know he's got it. Nobody else couldn't have took

ve Levi arrested?"

as he sees I'm in airnest, he'll g

y, squire. If you b

me now. I'll resk it. Git a co

oof, before taking any decisive steps. He finally quieted the old man by promising to "h

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