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Friend Mac Donald

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1532    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

plies.-Cant.-Why the Whisky was not marked on the Hotel Bill.-New Use for the Old a

sembles the Nor

rcumspect, with the composed e

rman." That means, "to give an evasive

, "Answering like a Scot,

ng as he nods at you and answers Ay, or shakes his head as he says Na, na; and

e resemblanc

round. He examines the goods with a most indifferent eye, turns them ove

the impudence to ask a good

he pays wi

the contrary, admire the

by being in town on market-day to get shaved, say to

u, but my wife and I have spent all our money; I have o

hero of the following little

went into a Glasgow bar

d, and, after having shaved him, a

ce," sai

I will give you a penny, and if you are not

y, and asked what he had

replied t

ye a bawbee, an' if ye are no satisf

orman to

given his signature, or wh

rous. This is calumny; for the Scot is charitable: but if collections in Scotch

ce between the Scot and the Norman, look at them

glass of whisky, he i

a small

a "strong whisky," str

ear fellow is one of them. But just add up at the end of the evening the number of wee d

taking his cups of café

of their contents. No, no; he would be too much afraid of exceeding the dose. He measures it into his spoon, which he hol

h," he says to you; "

en the overflow has fallen into the cup, he

ach kind,

possesses the secret. He handles the English language with the talent of the most wily di

several men of letters, requesting them to kindly gi

ou did me the honour to send me.

response, onl

certain smack of mild hypocrisy, wh

ples of it that r

oom of the Grand Hotel

, were two gentlemen-unmistakably

he waiter, and orde

ir?" asks the waiter, having put th

on't put it on the bi

f, as I noted the wink to the waiter and the gl

s, Script

l bill in the pocket of his coat, there is no harm

was in a Scot

rejoin me there, I had a look at his b

it. Were the two volumes fixed together? or were they stuck by accident? Not suspecting any mystery, I pulled hard. The Old Testament and the New Testament were in one, and came together. The handsome bindi

ase. I was quite innocent, of course; but-I don't know why-when one has discove

, closed the door, and,

ou alone a few moments. I have settled my business

terious library. From this cupboard he took some glasses-and something to fill them agreeably withal. Then, without betraying the slightest embarrassment, without a smile or a glance, he brought the t

n the ready w

strates with him upon the subj

onald; you ought to know very

en told us that we ought to love

you should swallow them," replies the pa

n Scotland on the subjec

t. I owe it to a learned profe

s the appro

is bedside, preparing him by pious

any question you would like to ask me?" And the mi

... I wad like to ken whether

with him upon such a thought at such a mom

enister; I only thoucht I'd

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