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The Further Adventures of Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's Corner Folks

The Further Adventures of Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason's Corner Folks



Word Count: 1942    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

subsided, Governor S

State and that of my country, my heart was filled with what I deemed an honest pride. My fellow citizens had chosen me to fill the most exalted position in their power to bestow, and when the Secretary of the Commonwealth utter

I have heard that some wondered whether I was a city swell, what my business was, what led me to choose your town for a vacation, and h

lowship. But, I liked some of your people so well-and one in particular"-all eyes were tur

incy Adams Sawyer," which were given with a will, and accompanied by many expressions of approval in the shape

des my native city of Boston, I shall always render my allegiance to t

ary you with a

Green, "He's a beautiful speaker. I could listen to him all night if it wa'n't for gettin' breakfas

your wagons to preserve them. Plant trees both for grateful shade and natural beauty. Support your Village Improvement Society by suggestions and contributions. Attend town meeting regularly, be economical but not

tion in your schools, and remember that the mother and the t

civic virtues and possibilities in the highest degree-our New England towns, in which the government is by the peop

having a door at either end, besides the double one near the middle. At the request of Selectman and Toastmaster Strout, the

sed in rotundity since selling his gro

rrel?" asked Quincy as

ng I wanted I got at wholesale, but no

e trying to get some of it back," and he laughed heartily as he extended his h

meet a lion-tam

," said Quincy, somewha

on, Obadiah Strout, is as tame a

ain Miss Tilly James aided me

d 'Listen to the Mocking Bird.' I

nd James, with their wi

ming?" ask

time on our own places, but we help 'Zeke and

rs. James Cobb, "do you remember the

h when I showed you into Aunt Heppy's room? She did the hearin' for both

forget what she told me about her husband sitting on the ridge pole o

, Quincy stepped from

as hard as it was five

ractice. You coul

to get my watch fixed,"

ious, when too late, that he had wasted a pun on a

tes and me have all we can handle. Here, Ben,

nt, and had been holding back, bu

lutation. Diffidence when forced to

" said Quincy. "Robert s

s now they use donkey engines as we did w

us all into line," said Quincy as

hool, now, M

rvice, an intolerable drudgery. Teaching American children to talk English is one thing, but teaching

izens from these various nationalities. America, to-day, is like a

id, your Excellency, if you'd ever been a school t

ur freedom?" asked Quinc

nough with which to buy an annuity. I board w

here's his son, Emmanuel-

an 'E' and two M's," said young Mr. Howe, as Miss Cotton

, now? Does he pre

s that he wrote forty years ago, but the young ones never heard them, and the old ones have forgotte

ed a young man with sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, and an

hen I first came here. I took your place, and that act turned out to be the most impor

my voice and cannot sing. I had co

one of the out-door ho

ace flushed, and

to Boston next week, to the State House, and I

Olive Green,-you remember her sister Betsey worked for me when you was one o

d Miss Betsey Green, and how you both trie

d with me. But your market's made now, and that makes the difference. They say folks in love have poor appetites." She laughed loudly,

ime to change the subje

on chickens. He wanted to come tonight, but we've lots of boarders, and they're allus wantin' ice water or

ht hand felt the effect of so many hearty gr

rt concert closed the evening's entertainment, which was allowed,

, his mind reverted to his first arrival at Mason'

ur wildest imagination have conj

r lives is truly wonderful. My daily pr

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