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Getting Gold


Word Count: 1178    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

vailable in the immediate locality of the mine, this cheap natural source of power has been called upon to do duty. Steam has been the alternative agent of power production applied in many diff

s most usually been brought into service. Needless to say, when highly mineralised mine water only

of all other forms of apparatus for the generation of steam. The advantages of this type, particularly the tubulous form (or a small water tube), made as it is in sections,


rious character as to involve the abandonment of many payable mines; therefore,

motive power to be produced without the necessity of water, except a certain very small quantity, which on

a number of trunks of trees, or fairly large-sized branches, cut so that they can be built up in a compact form. The pile, after being covered with earth, is then lighted from the base, and if there are no inlets fo

burnt, producing by thermo-dynamic action the motive power required. The system known as the Thwaite Power Gas System is not only practically indepen

ed into charcoal, that will be required to produce

1 1/3 lb. per E.H.P.

l 2 1/2 lb. per E.H.P

required the danger of explosions is removed. No expens

per gallon, one of the Otto Cycle Oil Engines, for powers up

o be a waterless power. The objection is the necessity to rely upon oil as fuel, and the dangers attending the storage of oil.

come to its assistance, in permitting motive power to be transmitted over distances o

MINES, say 100 miles away, with only a loss of some 30 horse-power. For twenty miles the loss on transmission should not exceed 15 horse-power so that 70 and 85 horse-power respectively are available at the mines. No oth

lied to the stamp battery and ore-breaker driving


10 effectiv

pan 5 effecti

6 effective

mp of 750

nute 1.25 effec


ng lift 20 effe

in addition for ov

rical energy can be employed for lighting the drives and the shafts of the mine. The modern electrical mine lamps leave little to be desi

mping, for shot firing, for hauling,

yanide solutions on gold, and in effecting the magnetic influence on metallic particles in separating processes; whil

icient machines will enable mine-owners to obtain a reliable power to any extent at immediate command and at a reasonable charge in proportion to the power used. This wholesale supply of power will be a godsend to a new field, enabling the opening up to be gre

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