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Green Eyes


Word Count: 1015    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

d in a windowless cabin on a shadowy island. Since this person very evidently wished to be alone, Florence had not expected to see her again. Imagine her surprise, therefore, wh

terious one spoke. "So this is

I came for a favor," she hastened

." Florence tried to conceal her ast

ss the bay. It is not far. Half an hour's row. I do not w

uppose that she feared something. And there is nothing t

ted to go," sh

request that frightened her. What made it worse, she had seen, as in a

stery lady. "Get your co

her bear was with her, she hurried to the cabin, told Jeanne of her intenti

ed her slight craft off, then taking up her

?" Florence

nd Jeanne had gone there once to enjoy their evening meal. There was a camping place in a narro

mmer cottage, a rather large and preten

for miles in either direction

ached this conclusion, she was given reasons for doubting it. Their course altered slightly. They were now headed for the end where the g

night, one goes to the dock," she tol

of the island. The light craft skirted this, then turned abruptly t

nothing will happen. Still, one never can tell. Should you catch a sound of commotion, or perhaps a scream, row away as speedily


d on her lips. The my

ng questions sped through the girl's mind as she stood there alone in the dark, waiting, al

From somewhere far out over the dim-lit waters there ca

h. She jumped; then chided h

a prowling porcupin

all but at the breaking point, when of a sudden, wit

aid in a low t

from the island when at

of-fact tone, "is Gamblers' Island

stared at her as if she h

nearly every field of endeavor. Why not in this? They should. Men have found that there are certai

he held up a ha

ain. The sound came, not from the island they had just

owned by a miser. He disappeared years ago. His cabin burned long since. Perhaps he has r

and rowed with strength and purpose in

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