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Piccadilly Jim


Word Count: 1218    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

ng of Mr. Pett, had been passing the time in improving with strenuous exercise his already impressive physique. If Mrs. Pett's guests had been less nois

is labours, he perceived that he had the pleasure of the company of little Ogden F

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gloved fist ove

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pectacle of the bulbous stripling was a constant offence to him. Ogden, in pursuance of his invariable custom on the days when Mrs. Pett entertained, had been lurking o

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nny nose," he added dispassionately. "Wha

e was not a vain man, but he was a little sensi

se she ever saw. She says it's so

lf no Lillian Russell, as an accepted authority on the subject of facial beauty; but he was aware that in this instance she spoke not without reason, and he was vexed, moreover

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ch looked as if it might once have been a cream-puff or a meringue. He swallowed it contentedly. "I'd forgotten I had that," he e

exclaimed the ex

ing you what I

e had no evidence to go on, but he suspected Mary of using her influence with Celestine to urge the suit of his leading rival for the latter's hand, Biggs the chauffeur. He disliked Mary intensely, even on general grounds. Ogden's revelation added fuel to his aversion. For a moment he toyed with the fascinating thought of relieving his feelings by spanking the boy, but restrained himself reluctantly at the thought of the inevitable ruin which would ensue. He had been an inmate of the hou

of the cream-puff, eyed h

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that for? I thought

r a moment's silent contemplation, ret

of machine for altering the shape of noses. You strap it on

breathed in a

ing around looking like that if you don't have to, is there? I heard Mary talking abo

him staggering across the room. Ogden threw back his head and laughed merrily. H

d sapped his self-restraint, as dripping water will wear away a rock. A short while before, he had fought down the urgent temptation to massacre this exasperating child, but now, despised love adding its sting to that of injured vanity, he forgot the consequences. Bounding across the room, he seiz

of the snow-topped Alps, Mrs. Pett finished with a fine burst of speed along the passage on the top f

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