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In the Yule-Log Glow, Book II

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 4038    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

aron required some consolation; so, after having changed his trousers, he took himself

smoked. The fine old Burgundy was gradually getting into the baron

s that came, with dignified deliberation, from the baron's lips, and curled and floated up to the carved ceiling o

ow got to that state-the perfection of a fire to a lazy man-when it requires no poking or attention of any kind, but just burns itself hollo

ul da capo condition, most favorable of al

the faces disappear, and a bright flame spring up and lick lovingly the sides of the old chimney; and the carved heads of improbable men and impossible women, hewn so deftly round the panels of the old oa

old oak carving accordingly, and emitting huge volumes of smoke with reflective slowness, whe

ed to take four distinct puffs before he had sufficiently regained his equilibrium to inquire, "Who the-Pickwick-are you?" (The baron said "Dickens," but, as th

wer the question, perhaps I had better give a

ty; but a regard for veracity compels me to confess that he was not what would be genera

plum-pudding, and was clothed in a bright-green, tight

proportion to his stature, which

led by a crown of h

white, and shone out in cheerful harmony with his rosy, jovial

uth. The mouth, well garnished with teeth, white and sound, which seemed as if they could do ample justice to holiday cheer, was e

first perceived him, comfortably seated upon the top of

ot appear to irritate him; on the contrar

" he replied; "but I don't mind telling

aid the

Of course, you have g

your business her

's very best and poured out about half a glass. Having held the glass first on one side and then on the other, winked at it twice, sniffed it, and gone through the remainder of the pantomime in which connoisseurs indulge, he drank

"However, you're rather a joke, so, now you'r

you're likel

, with a horribly complicated oath. "That t

peak according to your lights. I don't mean Vesuvians, you know, but your opportunities for k

consumed, when the baron took it, for the first time, from his lips, and said, gently, with t

hould like you to try a thimbleful of what I call wine. I must warn you, thoug

eed," said the baron; "I haven't taken

h it is rather strong when you're not accustomed to it." So saying, the goblin produced from s

the goblin himself; but he was not the sort of man to stick at trifles, and he pushed forward his glass to

inion. Not in words, at least, but he pushed forward his glass to

n was smiling; a thing he had not been known to do in the memory of the

t out this earnest expression of implicit conf

ave expected him to put his hand upon his sto

ate, I see," said the gob

ther glass, and a

is own mother wouldn't have known him. I doubt myself-inasmuch as she died when he was exactly a year and three months old-whether

feel so light I almost think I could dance a h

hould say, decidedly, don't. 'Barkis is willing,' I da

ht. I didn't think of that. But still I

f nature," said the goblin. "Never mind

do you mean, you old con

this. What you are now feeling is the natural consequence of my magic

aimed the baron. "G

e slim enough to creep into a lady's stocking. Not that you'll be called upon to

lous. Why, that's worse than being a fairy. You don't

the visitor. "You don

ough, I feel so uncommon friendly. I feel as if I sho

ccustomed to it. But come; finish that glass, for we must be off. We've

on. "I'm just in the humo

then," said

rried no candle, but the baron noticed that everything seemed perfectly light wherever th

an uncommon old brute in yo

ctively; "I don't know. Well

making those two young people, yo

know that, too?

my dear boy. But you have made yourself an old tyrant in that quarte

, as if that was where he expected to feel it. "I believe I

oor of Bertha's chamber The door

; "you won't wake her. Now, o

onate emotion. Under ordinary circumstances, however, the baron would not have felt at all sen

vit of the fact, but it's my po

see that it can possibly matter to you whether fair Bertha's dainty little bottines were tidily placed on a chair by her bedside, or thrown carelessly, as they had been taken off, upon the hearth-rug, where he

oked snug and comfortable; but, somehow, an

ted; dark silken hair, curling and clustering lovingly over the tiniest of tiny ears, and the softest, whitest neck that ever mortal maiden was blessed with; long silken eyelashes, fringing lids only less beautiful than the dear earnest eyes they cover. Fancy all this, and fancy, too, if you can, the expression of perfect goodness and purity that lit up the sweet feature

. "Wonderfully like her, is she not, ba

r very happy

he goblin spoke was

and true! She must have be

kept. Memories of bitter words and savage oaths showered at a quiet and uncomplaining figure, without one word in reply. And, last, the memory of a fit

weeping even in her dreams. But you have good reasons, no doubt. Young Carl is wild, perhaps, or drinks, or gambles, eh? What! none of these? Perhaps he is wayward and uncertain; and you fear that the honeyed words of courtship might turn to bitter sa

aid his hand upon the baron's arm, and the la

h a cry of agony, he dashed his hands upon his forehead. The veins were swollen up

t me go and do something to forget t

blin following him. At last, as they came near the outer door of the

old you there was work for us t

fingers through his tangled hair; "oh! yes, work!

unconsciously, at the breath of the frosty midnight air. The snow lay deep on the groun

hing but his own thoughts. At last, as a blast of the night wind, keener than ordinary, swept over him,

lthy and strong, and warmed with wine. Colder still, though, to t

eeps on the snow? Why, I wouldn't let

rich, if they did not pay their rent to-morrow, should be turned out to sleep on the snow? A snug bed for the little ones, and a nice wh

-panes, all gave sufficient testimony to the want and misery of the occupants. In one corner lay sleeping a man, a woman, and three children, and nestling to each other for the w

g through the pallid skin, showed how heavi

flaws in the ill-glazed, ill-thatched tenement, and rus

even now, you see; it is hardly worth while to lay them to sleep

pulling the warm coat from his own sh

n! By all means keep them warm to-night; th

warmth spread from the region of the heart over his entire frame. The goblin's continual allusions to his f

, good goblin. I'd rather

an to say you're sorry? Then what do you s

the baron, "if we had on

goblin. "Your brother fairies a

ap had died away the poor cottage was swarming with tiny figures

l that night) that there are among the fairies tra

eplaced the doors upon their hinges, and fairy painters, with inconceivable celerity, made cupboards and closets as fresh as paint could make them; one fairy housemaid laid and lit a roaring fire,

them down again they fell on a fairy doctor mixing a cordial for the sleepers. Nay, there was even a fairy parson, who, not having any present

be represented; nay, we beg pardon, with one exception only, for the baron

re was every mortal business under t

s to assist everybody at once. At last, after having taken all the skin off his knuckles in attempting to hammer in nails in aid of the carpenter, and t

uched some spring within it, and it made the usual purr preparatory to striking. When, lo! and behold, at the very first stroke, cottage, goblin, fairies, and all disappeared into utter darkness, and the baron found him

d, finally, with a countenance of deep reflection, scratc

irs was striking three,

ger, and finally decided that he had bet

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