Lightfoot the Deer
It was a very dreadful game for Danny. But hard as it was for Danny, it didn't begin to
a very small person. He is so small that he can hide under two or three leaves. Wherever he is, he is pretty sure to find a hiding-place of some sort. His small size gives him advantage
er of whom Sammy Jay had warned him. He had learned many lessons in the hunting season of the year before and he remembered every one of them. He k
relief escaped Lightfoot. He knew that that screaming of Sammy Jay's was a warning to tell him wher
He went in a half-circle, stopping every few steps to listen and test the air with his wonderful nose. Can you guess what Lightfoot was trying to do? He was trying to get behind the hunter so that the Merry Little Breezes would bring to him the dreaded man-scent.
est care to avoid snapping a stick underfoot, searching with keen eye every thicket and likely hiding-pl