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Linda Carlton's Island Adventure

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2609    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


after her test-flight in the autogiro. "Will you have her filled w

n smiled at

oman would buy a hat," he re

to fly, Miss Carl

d could almost do it! It certainly is the plane

within the next five years," teased Louise, although

ection, the little group strolled to the office to si

Miss Carlton, of world-wide fame! The only woman who ever flew the Atla

in embarrassment. She could never get used to public admirat

ng," she explained. "I think

nd we are honored indeed, Miss Carlton, that you

like that," remarked Louise. "But I

the salesman, the president inquired what her plans included no

in the use of planes in every-day life than I am in races and spectacular events, though I unders

the other. He had thought, naturally, that a girl in L

don't believe I'd care for that. And not the mail-unless I can't get anyth

es, but their routes are about as cut-and-dried as the mail pilot's.... I take it you would rather have

ave read

a field can spray as many plants in a day as

nt. What marvelous advances in pro

. "Because of lack of capital, they are in great need of pilots with planes of

e I'd like that. And an autogiro ought to be especially adapted

the public new uses for an autogiro. If Miss Carlton, of international rep

tly. "I really am not 'news' any more.... But I shall be grateful for the

s the address," he added, handing her a card. "And I wil

to be awfully hot there, Linda. Compar

ed. "You'd like Canada, if you didn't choos

of their adventure during the

again!" she said. "And I don

the South trouble her-weather was all in the day's work to her. But the thought of the distance between Georgia and Ohio, and what such a separation might mean to h

o do this all summer, if I

ime. That would give you August with your family, Miss Carlt

and she promised to write within

y, although she flew alone, for Louise wanted to return with Ted. Without a mi

her father had arrived during her absenc

were always a pleasant surprise to his only child. "You

her Aunt Emily, who, like all good hou

a la

ily, and see whether you co

eered through

s it?" s

rch, and you can se

unt each by a hand, she gleef

ed, as one who d

Colonial house, they saw the new possession. Or rather,

ryer to me," remarked Miss

, Aunt Emily? The words are too long. Besides, Lou thought of the cleverest name-the 'L

uld ho

, "it's a good name as far as you are conc

she had ever known. "One of my biggest reasons for choosing an autogiro was because it is the safest flying machine known." Her tone grew soft, so

so thoughtful! Her niece couldn't help it, if she had a marvelou

o convert Aunt Emily to flying," she announ

"How about taking me

y. "You a fly-and my new plane a

o believe you're

father down the steps, eager to

ed to the house, he laughingly told his sister that he was thinking of buying one fo

rlton g

flying maniacs in the

be up in the air," he correct

s suggestion about a job, when Ralph Clavering drove over to see her. Linda was delighted, of course; here was another person to whom she could d

he insisted. "And wouldn't you lik

to you-those things make such an infernal noise. No, just show it to me, and

plied the girl. "But I'll try. If you w

the topic of vacation at Green Falls, the resort at which Linda's aunt, and most of her friends, had spent the preceding summer. Ralph

you can get off, Linda?

'm afraid," she rep

going to pull some new stunt on us, are you,

ghed, and sh

rry about that. No; what I am planning now is steady work.

b? Wh

" She went into detail

, that nobody would want to go with you.... Linda, why can't you


nd get

nda had accomplished her ambition in flying the Atlantic, perhaps

rew away,

ber that you promised me you wouldn't

ouldn't again. Let her wait awhile! She'd probably get tired of wor

nd doubled up with them for a couple of sets. But they were

and won their consent, when she announced her intention of spending August at Green Falls. To Miss Carlton she put the

new dress after another, and flitted from tennis match or picnic to tea or dance, as the program happene

uld have enjoyed it, had she not given her life in the attempt to win the big prize which Linda herself h

he end of her girlhood, the beginning of her career as a self-supporting woman-out in the world. No longer would she be free to come and

her hand ove

dear?" she in

a no

untie? To the other people, I mean-for of course there's nothi

Tom will be back and forth often, I think, for they are not living far away.... But i

e other. "But I can't have my cake and eat it t

was no use in going over the ol

do you g

my map and my instructions several days ago.

have to go alone!" s

I only

u take some

ow-has her pilot's license-and she's such a peach of a girl. I know we'd get along beaut

unshine, how deeply she was to regret this decision of Dot's, how she was to wish

among proved to be the w

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