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Terminal Compromise

Chapter 10 10

Word Count: 5332    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

y, Oct




o be caused by this year's version of the dreaded Columbus Day Virus. AKA Data Crime, the virus beg

ters, I expect- ed to wake up this morning and learn that this paper didn't get printed, my train from the suburbs

er influenza, though. There are hundreds of report

adrid, Spain and can't figure out which customers bought what from whom. A few schools in England don't kno

ed the incident. "We have had re- ports of several small outbreaks, but we have not heard of

e worse than reported in the press. "I personally know of several Fortune 100 companies that will be spending the next several weeks putting their systems back

If a major company announced publicly that their comput- ers were down due to criminal activity, there would be a certain loss of con

Revenue Service all admitted that they have had a 'major' disruption in their comput- er services and exp

ng our computers at all, we could have been totally put out of business." She said that despite the cost to repair the systems, her management feel

group who professes to have access to pri- vate information on computer viruses. "Of all of the reports of downed computers yesterday, less than 10% are from the Data Crime. Anyone who had any sort of trouble is

r hackers are endangering the contents of our computers. While the effects of the Columbus Day Virus may have been mitigated by advance warnings and

son, safe, sound


ay, Oct

r Building, FB


urrounded the Mall and the tourist attractions. Window air conditioners didn't provide the kind of relief that moder

merica were exaggerated in Washington. The heat was hot- ter, the humidi

re's revenge on the planet for unforgiv- ing hydrocarbon emissions. As soon as Tyrone Duncan detrained from the elegant Metroliner he had ridden this morning from New York's Penn Station, he was drenched in perspi

few hours wear as desperately as his $1200 Louis Boston did, he thought. Then, there was the accompanying exhaustion from his exposure to the dense Washington air. Duncan had not

of a question, it was an unissued order. Rather than fool around with hours of delays at La Guardia and National Airport, Tyrone elected to take the train and arrive in t

it and tightly collared shirt. Burnson had an unlikely pair of qualities. He was both an extraordinarily well polished politician and a astute investigator. Several years pri

ver the years. Tyrone was most pleased that he had a boss who would at least give his arguments a fair listen before being told that for this or that political reason, the Bureau had chosen a different line

short lithe 150 pound frame showed no wea

s wringing wet. "Like I had a choice. If it weren't for the company, I'd be at the beac

hurt so bad. You know, I could ma

," he sweated. The reference to the FBI founder's legendary

do. "Maybe we'd balance the scales, too." He dug t

two," sa

d the rest of the sorority?" He referred to the house full

cooler." He wa

're hear, up for a

n." Camelot was the famous downtown strip joint on 18th and M street that former Mayor Marion Berry had haunted and been 86'd

" Bob's demeanor shif

" Tyrone aske


ame attempts to promote me to

're being re-assigned.

xclaimed Tyr


e hell i

Bob said calmly. "How much do yo

e papers have picked it up. If it weren't for the National Expos printing irresponsib

very subject, and as I hear it, they will have more lawsuits on their

Bob was liste

antics or mass hysteria. Just like UFO flaps." Tyrone Duncan dismissed the coincidences and

only saw the reports

at didn't go th

?" Duncan voiced concern

nly the tip of the icebe

t el

senator has some quirky sexual habits. A Southern anti-pornography ball- breaker happens to like little boys. It g

n awaited the r

manage many of our countries' strategic assets have called their senators, and asked them to insure that

y," Tyrone had to

mention a couple hundred executive types with connections. Within days of each other. They each, so far, believe that theirs

o himself. "They'

at he knew. Impos- sible." Burnson scratched his head. "Strange. Same story everywhere. That's what got the

ing frustrated with th

of folks upstairs want to pull you in and stick you in charge of the whole operation, but I told them t

talk for me?" Tyrone didn't think to thank Bob for the fron

ing any of the comput

gh he expected Tyrone

a lot of people are getting pret

older and lay it across his desk. "We have experienced a few more computer incidents than is generally known, and

" Tyrone laughed at the thought that Congress would now use

. "Ah, yes, the NPRP, National Pretrial Reporting Program over at Justice . . .was hit with a series of computer viruses apparently intentional

he computer." Bob chuckled as he continued. "Says here that they have had to pool the guys' money to go to W

raised a stink since their machines went down

is ECCO?" Tyr

ds to . . .well I guess, comput- er crises." Bob opened the folder again. "It was formed during

h hung open.

w it was happen- ing. Imagine 10's of thousands of computers stopping all at once. It scared the shit out of the National Security Council, remember we and the Russians we

no idea

ordination Center at SRI International to investigate problems in the Defense Data Network. Livermore and the DOE got into the act with Computer Incident Advisory Capability. Then someone decid

?" asked Tyrone. "W

but saw none yet. He wondered how he would take the news. "This time, we would like to be involved in the entire operation from start to finish. Make sure the investigation is

ne. So what'

our', "will be to liaison with

ing?" asked Tyron

the JCS and a bunch of others that don't matter. The only rough spot is the NSA/NI


such a pissing match for so long that computer security work came to a virtual h

osed his eyes and rotated his head to work out the kinks. Bob never had gotte

tay with the Bureau and the action but in his comfortable New York existence. Otherwise, no. But, if he could get Bob off his back by this on

rone was suddenly a little too agreeab

onditions?" Bob's s

an, absolutely no inter- ference." Dunc

t el

ant to use, inside or

this outside. The last thing in

t anyway. Let's do

y that?" Bob asked

are already on this computer virus thing and hackers and all. So, let

t Bob. "They'll make

nd of my works for a paper,

s the

y leads, as long a

Bob asked, not

this one, you promise to let me alone and work my golden yea

know if I

ll just quit." It was the penultimate thr

You can't hold m

you're doing to

to solve, or direct the solution of a crime where all others had failed. And, he always p

ngs he thought he needed. His sources of information were the most valuable. Without the

uch, but yes to hand

orter. It's my as

Tyrone said cal

ith enough rope you either bring in the gang or hang yourself. "I want results." That's al

ing," Tyrone

Bob was gettin

ut of New Yor

t .

ts. Pe

ou report here when

d Tyrone agre

the press, this repor

," Tyrone


It was after 11P.M. EST, and Ty was feeling no pain after several h

sion," Scott Mason

ne slurred. "That'll

u wanted the plans for t

pleaded. "It's not

ter. "I'm watching a Honeymoon

ed to


ay, Oc


sta of lights that reflected the power to manipulate the world. Miles reveled in it. He and Perky lounged on his 8th. floor balcony after a wonderfully satisfying romp in his waterbed.

al release valves. She was a semi-sorta-kinda girl friend, but wouldn't have been if Miles had known that she re- ported their liaisons bac

afforded no umbrage for the triangle between her legs. She wasn't ashamed of her nakedness, job or no job. She enjoyed her time with Miles. He asked for nothing from her but the obvious. Unlike the oth

s in the Potomac, Miles' phone warbled. He i

n thoughts said, do whatever you have

eyes were closed, convey- ing his i

a machine." The phone

he walked into the elegantly simple modern living room through the

. His 'I don't give a sh

Homosoto. Miles curled his lips in disgust

at's wrong now?" Miles was trying to verba

have you deviated?" Homosoto

ing about?" Miles sipped lo

The whole world in talking about it. Mr. Foster,

know where you get off calling me at 2 in the

xecute such a motion. However, do not forget we

you talking about?"

d with great interest about the so called Columbus Day V

his. "If you've got something to say

that the first major strike wa

yes and look at him quizzically. He made a fist with hi

premature event?"

. Perky was invitingly licking her lips.

hard to believe that yo

gh s

Homosoto wa

ses or destructive computer programs. We are merely taking a good idea and taking it to its logical

saying there are others?" The childlike naivete w

are. This will

o you

, Lehigh, Pakistani, Brain, Marijuana, they all have names. They have no purpose other than self aggrandizement. So, we will be seeing more a

no chance

uch attention as this one, and probably won't until we are ready. And, as I recall we are not

t. My plans must not

o. I don't need you freaking every time the press report

osoto was able to convey disgust wi

through th

h it again," Ho

f years viruses have been become techno-yuppie amusements. The game has intensified as the stakes have increased. Are you aware . . .no I'm sure you're not, tha

How do you know that?" Ho

b to know that. And

at you work for me." Condenscention was an execu


ntil our job is ove

u have muc

and puckering his dim- ples. He wanted to

ed about me. Good

enough of that slant-eyed slope-browed rice-propelled mother-fucker f


er 31


you mea

ust gone." Fred Por

ot appreciate the news he was getting from the Transfer Department in

every day. And every day, they balance. The transfers, the receipts, the charges . . .every- t

ars? You better have on

did," Port

om." Ferguson knew that it was ultimately h

st as I

again!" Ferg

maintain transfer a

urse I

le account and wait till the end of the day to move th

ed million we hold for half a day we make $

that's not of

t's not you


on was glad he had moved the psyc

account, about 9:0

ty. All the mo

e did it go?" Templet

transferred to hundreds of accounts. Here a

it will take you to



w l

times," Porter

rice. As long as the computer records showed he wasn't at fault, he would con

nt me to do, si

them yesterday. I have to talk to Weinhauser." Ferguso


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