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Marjorie Dean College Freshman


Word Count: 2158    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nbeams to ride with him. The light of the fair, increasing moon endowed the duo with a peculiar ethereal beauty which gave him a feeling of reverence. Girls we

hardly come to a stop on the drive when out of the house they trooped, shouting the Sanford and Weston High School yells by way of welcome. Danny Seabrooke

pular." Hal bowed his than

e selection we just rendered was in honor of the girls. Don'

as a 'selection,'" Ha

u name it?" queried Danny

ould-be jazz band. Any little appellation like that would be strictly appropriat

Miles Burton stood six feet, minus shoes. With Charlie's toy drum strung

me and you'll find out my real disposi

mean. Back, varlets. Grab your instruments of torture and begon

e girls come up on the porch, can't you? You four sillies can stay outside and rave. No

them as I do,"

d Hal. "Well, I'd rather be

ne half of the guests up onto the brightly-lighted veranda. There the entire company lingered to talk, presently stro

to play for us. They are helping Mr. Beaver, the leader of the Sanford orchestra, organize some of the Sanford working bo

d Constance. Her eyes luminous with affecti

now," she continued, turning to the others, "that Uncle John is to be a first violi

Uncle John, who had ever been so willing to play for them. Far removed from poverty, he had

home!" promised Hal. "Won't

motion. Laurie had known for a very long time that, if Constance's adop

at last, to organize a big band. I meant to ask for him. There was so much sarcasm bein

song sheets. He will play them and put everyone out, if he has

t. Her fondness for youth made her a welcome addition at their parties. She particularl

fession. He really needs the college training. Constance, on the contrary, will do as well to begin her training for grand opera at once. She must study Italian and Spanish. Tha

xpression vanished as her eyes lighted upon the mourner. Slumped into the depths

s-o-o-o-on-n!" he wailed, covering his freckled, grief-stricken countenance with

w?" Laurie viewed the perpetrator of the me

e davenport beside Marjorie and advanced

a five-year-old girl. "Soon I shall be able to contemplate it without a single tear. I could part from you," he suddenly recovered his own voice, "or that ruf

of the room. Crowding himself into a small rocking chair belonging to Charlie, he

other people's shins. I have all I can do to take care of my o

Hal upset the rocker and its grinning occupant. "Now will you be good?" he inquired sa

s to rise from the floor. In the midst of the fun Charlie Stevens marched into the drawing room, his little leather

to my chair?" Charli

he's either stuck in it or pretending he

ok like you, Danny," reproved Charlie. "That c

d free of the chair, and, catching up the little boy, swung him to his s

e congratulations of the young folks he had so often made happy by his music. To see the white-haired, patient-faced old musician surrounded by his young friends was a sight that Miss Allison

s served in the dining room. There a surprise awaited Marjorie. While the company were engaged in eating the

rs. I know you will agree with me that Marjorie Dean is largely responsible for a great many pleasant times we have enjoyed since we have known her. By that I mean, not only the merry evenings we have spent at her ho

t of them, the strength of her friends' devotion. When he had finished she had no words with which to reply. She was grateful for the fresh round of approbation th

oor. In her right hand she held an oblong box of white ve

He has expressed just the way we feel about you, and what your sunny, dear influence has been to us. We are

site from her seat. Pausing behind Marjorie's chair, she slid a bare white ar

ered Marjorie, "and I don't-want-to

you may be treated as I was," warned Danny's b

trembled as she opened the white velvet box. Then her emotion became that of sheer wonder. Resting on it

hing to make you happy. It's you who have done everything to make me happy

face in the frills of Connie's white organdie gown. While her thoughts were far from collected, she was exp

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