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Mason of Bar X Ranch


Word Count: 2726    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

e ground. After two vain attempts, he rose slo

e ground with a low moan. The assassin, not waiting to see the effect of his shot, sprang with a bound into the saddle of the nearest horse.

on. Emptying his gun after the fugitive

dismay went up from the men when it was discovered that the halfbre

rushed to his side and par

ight temple. The girl was deathly pale and watched the stricken man anxiously, as with tender care s

ed briefly, his face lighting up. "He

had come among them to fight life's battle anew. She shuddered as she realized how clo

her agitation

place for you. I will

talking with the ranch owner, who had bound up his

over the way I did," he said,

e other's iron nerve. "That was a close call you h

ad all around," Mas

me that Powers has clea

that greaser down, but they ain't got much

told that Mason would be all right in a day or two. He had won them all by his exhibition of strength and nerve, and they would fight for him to the last man. Bud questioned the cowboys about the

visit," Bud said grimly,

or your knocking him down that day

, Scotty, who had made an early trip to the Post, thrust a letter in Mason's h



bookkeeper. I had always believed him to be honest, until one day I happened to be looking over the books and discovered evidence that false entries had been made. I had other clerks in my employee and they all came under my suspicion. I then hired a detective and had them watched. The thefts in mone

ife. He finally disappeared after warning me in a letter that in the future he would live only fo

s I believe Ricker will tr

your mother and sister are maki

from Mr. Walters and I


n M

to find MacNutt regarding him wit

himself in his company a good bit of his time. Mason had come to think

Mason intended to take part in the hunt, he pocketed his letter and called t

cker or he'll get you," Scot

n seen the man yet

we are going to call on that deligh

d him with a

m sharp for he's the quickest man in these parts with a gun," Scot

cotty's words. The cowboy mentally put him down as cracked. There was a stiff wind blowing and the

hard storm before nig

torms in these parts?"

" drawled Scot

w, and had begun to over

r when they get to the ranch," the Scot

silence, Mason turning over in

ood tingled as he remembered his first experience on this ranch. The cow

u men pull a gun unless you see Ricker start to draw." The men agreed, but there were sullen mutterings among t

Scotty and Red Sullivan rod

a gruff voice c

cker," Bud answered, recogni

come here and talk to me?" the

doorway with his arms folded across a brawny chest. There w

d curtly, his eyes keenly watching

ican you used to have working for you has s

" Ricker questioned with an oath. "Your employ

scal he was," the ranch

nd stole my daughter's favorite horse.

when the ranch owner mentioned hi

y question, Ricker," he

burst out in sudden fury, "and I don't wan

within silently took thei

n and a stiffening of muscles. It seemed to Mason as if the air

a pistol. "I see that you and your men are itching for a fight. S

oying with his scarf knot, about breast high where the butt of a

ughed mir

tone, "take a look around, but

oment. Bud left half of his men on guard in front of the house and made

," Ricker sneered, as Bud gave t

since yesterday. My men trailed him to Devil's Gap and he was swinging in a circle towards yo

igns of breaking on them at any moment. Mason rode with Bud, and they kept up a

n after an unusually bright flash of l

rd, "we get them like this out here, but what I

nder. When the party finally arrived at the Bar X corral it wa

he house," Bud muttered as th

ame towards them with a lantern. It proved to be M

has disappeared. She went for a ride soon after you men left, and here it i

hink of Josephine out

ied in anguish, "get the men

and the cowboys r

and it's up to us to find her. I lay this to that halfbreed's work. Mount your horses and take lantern

nst the halfbreed. It would fare hard with him if he fell into

rection that Josephine had taken

low a trail equal to an Indian. Aided by an occasional flash of lightning, the men

found it led towards Devil's Gap, a favorite ride of Josephine's when she wished to be alone. According to her mother,

ast hour. His manner was pitiful as the shock of his daughter's possible fate showed in his eyes. The trail was very diffi

uck who was far in advance of them. There was an answering yell fro

u discovered?" Maso

and was eagerly scanning the ground. Bud joined them at this juncture an

ly, pointing to the ground. "The girl was held

e of cloth and handed

ress," the unhappy fathe

ntinued, "and it looks as if there were

as with difficulty that the men restrained

send one of my men home with you as you are in no condition to go on. Besides, your wife needs your counsel just now. I am going to d

im. After a short argument with the heartbroken father, Bu

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