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McAllister and His Double

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1799    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

o pole, jumping from insulator to insulator, from town to town, sped a message concerning Henry VIII. The night operator at New Haven, dozing over a

! What's

on No. 13 from New York. Notify McGinnis. In complete disguise


d the room and unho


ed, to make an important arrest on board No. 13 when she comes through at two-twenty. Sorr

k to his paper. In a few m

" he eja


e. Last evening one of the guests missed her valuable pearl necklace. In the excitement which followed the burglar made his escape, leaving the

paper. Then he went to the drawer and took out a

hrough the window-shades, and the train thundered past the depot and slowly came to a full stop. Ahead, the engine panted and steamed. Two gnomes ran, Mimi-like, out of a cavernous darkness behind the station and by the light o

gasped the conducto

ew York. You've got a burglar on board. Th

. "Do you think you can hold me up and se

n minutes," continued McGin

ctor, grasping him firmly by the coat-tai

ot to make this arrest? It won't take a minute. The porters'll know

McGinnis all the way to Boston, and even if he did, there would be the same confounded mix-up at the other end. He admitted finally that it wa

efore that the train should not be held up. He rushed through the cars telling the various porters to go ou

r began with

on, who ha

es and replied that he had "two ole women an' er g

f car No. 2201. Moses, however, had only half a load. There was a fat man, a Mr. Huber, who travelled regularl

d the captain. "Now, Col

stocratic appearance, had an easy answer. His ent

!" grunted

were Sanko's Orchestra going on to g

nown to the conductor, as taking the trip twice a week. They

iam, what h

Higgins. He'd handled dose gen'elmen fo' several years. There was a very old lady, her daughter and maid. Then there was Mr. Uberheimer, who got off at Middletown. And then-William smiled significantl

'em!" comme

emarked the moll

read Laura Jean Libbey, now

were plainly audible. The conductor rapped loudly; there was no response. He rattled the door and turned the handle vigorously, but elicited no sign of recognition. Then McGinnis rapped with his knife on the glass of the door. He happened to hit three times.

awled the fat man, bl

innis briskly, "but is there any wan

made as if to close the door, but the dete

d. "Conductor, just turn

the fat man in the pajamas. On the sofa was an elegant alligator-skin bag disclosing a row of massive silver-topped bottles. A tall silk hat and In

s and the conductor recoiled, glancing doubtf

you mean by these hactions? W'y am I thus distur

people, suspicious characters, had taken this room together, and this

lled with i

uch a performance. I am Mr. McAllister, of the Colophon Club, New York, and I am hon my way to hattend the weddin

the silver bottle heads, and the same stamped upon th

ong, I guess. This feller ain't no burglar. Anywan

pologized the conductor humbly, putti

to the detective. "By Joshua! Perhap

awled the fat man, bl

in' my whisky. There ain't two men in that drawin'-room at all-just

terror. "I swear dey was two of 'em, 'n' de udder was in disguis

McGinnis, entirely out of patience.

"I done ax him right away what character he done represent. He had on silk stoc

g a jump in William's direction.

ppeared into the car and had emerged again w

houted the detective in angry to

William from a safe distance, his teeth

ed the conductor. "Did you p

an' he said he wanted to smoke, so he w

. "There ain't no car behind

ropped the Benvolio at Selma Junction for repai

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