Memories of Bethany
nds our
consolation-are they really believe
resurrection-life as thine own? Hast thou the joyful consciousness of participating in this vital union with a living Lord? In vain do we listen
a few words the darkness of the tomb; and now, turning to the poor dejected wee
ng with her anguished tears. She has now an opportunity afforded of rising above her doub
, I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son
ilent lips of Lazarus had been unsealed; or had she stood like the other Mary at her Lord's own sepulchre in the garden, a
, the humiliations, the unworldly obscurity of that solitary One who claimed no earthly birthright, and owned no earthly d
acle or prophecy which had revealed to that weeping disciple that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God. With the exception of Micah's statement regarding Bethlehem-Ephratah as His birthplace, we question if any other remarkable prediction concerning Him had yet been fulfilled; and so far as miracles were concerned, though she may and must have doubtless known of them by hearsay, we have no evidence that she ha
that lofty teaching-so unlike every human system-so wondrously adapted to the wants and woes, the sins, the sorrows, and aching necessities of the human heart. All this had lef
faith-who may be all unlettered and unlearned in the evidences of the schools-the external and internal bulwar
of mercy suited to their souls' necessities;-that His words of compassion, and tenderness, and hope, are in every way adapted to meet the yearnings of their longing spirits. They need to stand by the grave of no
have fled to the Physician-they have applied His balm-they have been healed and live! And you might as well try to convince the restored blind that the sunlight which has again burst on them is a wild dream of fancy, or the restored deaf that the world's joyous melodies which have
f your ruined condition?-the power of His grace, the prevalence of His intercession, the fulness and glory and truthfulness of His promises? Are you exulting in Him as the Resurr
blessed persuasion, and exulting in this blessed creed? Do you know the secret of that twofold solace, "the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings?"-the "fellowship of His sufferings" telling of His sympathy with your sorrows below;-the "power of His resurrection" assuring you of the glorious gift of everlasting life in a world where sorrow dare not enter. Rest not satisfied with a mere outward creed and confession
m; who, when sorrow and bereavement overtake them-the lowering shadows of the dark and cloudy day-have still to grope after an u
ed now to the Rock of Ages, that when the tempest arises-when the floods beat, and the winds blow, and the wrecks of earthl
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