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Mother Nature's Toy-Shop


Word Count: 1271    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

long the slender, bare branches of the small American willow-tree which is their home. The pussies like to come early to assure

- Pussy

es, and mice, but they need your help, they cannot make the magic cha

it and the Rabbit

e Pussy-Wil

y-Willow Squi

tail, enlarge


ut the ears from your writing-paper like the pattern Fig. 30. Put paste on the strip between the letters G and H, then take a pussy from the branch and stick the paste-covered strip just above the small end of the pussy, which will be the bunny's h



he small end so that it will look like the front legs of the squirrel when he holds a nut in his hand-like front paws, and push up two tufts on the head for ears. The pu

Parts of

the legs of th

arated from the tail by the dotted line. Curve the tail backward, put paste on top of the lap, and stick the lap to the under pa

illow B

rd which is to hold the bee, draw his legs like Fig. 36, then paste the three parts-body, throat, and head-on top of the legs. Fig. 37 shows how it would look underneath if you could se

hree parts of the be

e-Bee, enlarged, r

r and more lifelike. Cut paper wings the shape of Fig. 39, making them the proper size to fit your bee. Remember that a bumblebee has small, short wings compared to the size of its body. Bend the lap at the bot

tern of bumb

ing lap of wi

the cardboard, he will look, with his extended wings, as if just ready to fly, an

sy-Willow Mo


ouse (Fig. 41). He is a nice lit

ook like ears. The head is at the small end of the pussy. Paste one end of a piece of cotton s

ing Pussy-Wil

ouse to a round or squa


the pussies leap up in the air, sail along a short dis

ight lines from top to bottom about one inch apart, then more straight lines from side to side one inch apart. This will divide the board into sq

he house. In front of the board draw a short line for the starting-post. The line should be ten or more inches from the board according t

inger on the Pussy-Wi

slides off the small end, away jumps pussy and lands on a square of the game-board. Each player plays in turn, always, of course, placing the pussy on the starting-line when shooting. The player whose pussy lands on the


ies are out!" we hear some one say, and then the boys and girls vie with one another in their effort to be the first

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