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No Treason, Vol. VI.

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 373    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

"the people of the United States" with each other; that the only visible, tangible, responsible government that exists, is that of a few individuals only, who act in con

since they can show no credentials from the people themselves; they were never appointed as agents or representatives in any open, authentic manner; they do not themselves know, and h

at, at most, these alleged principals put these pretended agents forward for the most criminal purposes, viz: to plunder the people of their property, and restrain them of their liberty; and that the only authority that these alleg

to cover up, or gloss over, their robberies and murders, have taken to themselves the title of "the people of the United States"; and who, on the pretense of being "the peopl

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