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Old Rose and Silver


Word Count: 2996    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ts. Some unpleasantness had been caused at the breakfast table by a gentle hint from Juliet to the effect that the dog supply seemed

s much yours as mine. You brough

the boys were teasing h

me any without good re

here for forty dogs, a

t bother

rking," compl

goes by, and there aren't any neighbou

hen they're hungry and when they've eaten too much, and they bark at the sun and moon and

ssy girl. Go up into the attic and work on the trapeze for an hour or two, and you'll feel bet

f mice," she sobbed, "and you know it. And I'll hold a littl

Shut up, Jule," he said, not u

liet did not deny that only a "sissy girl" would be annoyed by barking. Eventually, Romeo promised not to bring home any more dogs unless the present supply should be depleted by disappearance or accident,

June," observed Romeo. "It would make more of

e monogram put on

above it everywhere." The twins had adopted a common monogram, signifying "Crosby Twins." It adorn

ls put on the dogs' colla

we lose any of 'em on the road, we can identi

would forget about it, but vainly, for he lounged over

the yard is big enough to train 'em in. We ough

," Juliet answered,

o about it?"

t for a day or two and fill the back seat of the machine with raw meat. They'd follow

"will you please forgive me fo

nty, that "forgive me," from a man's lips, indicat

ontinued, eager to change the subject

ne. You can see so

an't b

omie, oughtn't she to be


r-name. You know,

intervals. It would be pleasant she thought, to go skating sometimes with a girl or two instead of t

but I should think, if she wanted to come, she could

t leave a

hat kind

on 'em. People always leave 'em, i

and made another memorandum. "I'l

d, "so I think one will do. Just put on

. Everybody who knows u

t on, meditatively, "

you remember what I did to the red-headed boy from the Ridge who

action. "But you know, Ro

ly. "That fresh kid had to wear beefs

things we can't help," she said, philosophically. "We've done the proper thing and now it's up to

t she d

tan leather had also been ordered, as well as the brown felt hats, exactly alike, with yellow ribbon bands. They had the goggles and enjoyed glaring fiercely at each other through them

and safely fenced in beyond the reach of canine interference. Romeo had not seen the necessity of the fence until Juliet had pointed out that some of the dogs woul

ut something else. The thought that Isabel might not like Juliet had not occurred to him. It seemed impossible that a

eep that night, "if Jule wants her to co

ed to go up to see Isabel himself, and, as he phrased it in his own mind, "see how the land lays." It would be d

get the visiting cards, which had promptly been ordered by mail. Juliet rather insisted upon going a

cealed under a pile of leaves in the fence corner just inside the yard. He c

ovels, and condescended to approve of Romeo's new red tie. He had gloves in hi

were gathered about some small object and the yard was littered with bits of white. Under

matter?" s

the covenant that the twins should never, under any circumstances, lie to each ot

r hands gleefully

with an uneasy sense th

've got so

gloomy silence. Disdaining to speak, Juliet curled up on the decrep

and he sniffed appreciatively. An open bottle of vanilla extract stood on the kitchen table, where a pan of fudges was cooling, marked off into n

ce. If Juliet should happen to wake, she would think he had gone away because he was angry, and never need know that like some misunderstood knight of old, he was me

ting day in town. He paused outside the gate long enough to clean the dust from his shoes wi

an's tact speedily set him at ease again, and enabled him to offer Isabel the p

to-night," he said,

aved in the fashionable script of the moment. "How very original," s

d, with evident pride. "She's m

their names engraved on the same card," Mad

nobody is so much related as twins are. Hus

ppreciatively. "Good!

l's c

ecret mirth, informally

ave 'em any time," he s

dandy fudg

g more than conventional regret that Juliet had not been able to c

Kent, "we'd like very much to have

very much pleased." Then to himself, he added: "That

est collection of fishing tackle in the State. Much gratified, Romeo invited Allison to go fishi

emarked Isabel, as she could

at," Romeo returned, with youthful

and bit her lips. To re

asked Allison t

particularly courteous, but his tone merely indica

l, and, in a low, guarded tone, began to talk automobile. Isabel was so much interested that she wholly fo

sionally, until the last chord, they exchanged glances of amusement.

y wave of the hand. "You

ired Rose, tactfully, "when you're talking abo

He added, with a trace of sarcasm wholly los

points involved in the construction of "The Yellow Peril," described the brown leather and the specially designed costumes, and was alm

"think of anything more like a cele

ck a laugh, "unless you went out

was such a good man," he said, in a tone of quiet re

id her face for an instant behind her fan and Isabel laughed openly.

've never seen him, but he

run the car yourse

Isabel and played his highest trump. "Juliet said something about asking you

o go," murm

u come out to return he

come, but I've been wa

bout my having been here. It might make her feel ba


his escape, after shaking hands with everyone and promising t

ping with all his heart that Juliet was still asleep. It was p

ched home, panting and breathless, having discovered that it was almost midnight, a d

ed Juliet, hysterically

ing her shoulder awkwa

so I went out for a wal

ith them all the evenin


, to himself, exultantly. "Eve

"I don't care where you've been as long as I've got you

er clinging arms, then stooped to kiss

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