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Our Calendar


Word Count: 2243    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

or day of the month has fallen or will fall, from the commencement of the Christian era to the year of our Lord 4000, may be calculated. (Ap

lls George B

Finch, and

vember, for the same reason, begin on Wednesday; April and July on Saturday; May on Monday, June on Thursday, August on Tuesday, September and December on Frid

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represents the day of the week on which the month commences, and

which a given day of any year w


eading from A toward G, calling the dominical letter Sunday, the next Monday, etc. This will show on what d


+ 363 = 1816; 1816 ÷ 7 = 259, remainder 3. Then 10 - 3 = 7; therefore, G being the seventh letter is dominical letter for 1453. Now read

4 = 395+; 1582 + 395 = 1977; 1977 ÷ 7 = 282, remainder 3. Then 10 - 3 = 7; therefore, G being the seventh letter, is dominical letter for 158

282, remainder 3. Then 6 - 3 = 3; therefore, C being the third letter, is the dominical letter for 1582. Now reading from C to

riday. You also stated that the 5th was Friday; you now say that the 15th was Friday. This is absurd; ten is not a multiple of seven

he 15th, was one and the same day; there was no interval, nothing ever occurred, there was no time for any

mputation should be Old Style; from th

viding by 7. Now each of these numbers of years consists of an even number of weeks with remainders of 1, 2 and 3 days respectively. Hence we have then for the year 1, 3 - 1 = 2; therefore, B b

that January commenced on Sunday. Again we have for the year 3, 10 - 3 = 7; therefore, G being the seventh letter, is dominical le

, remainder 5. Then 10 - 5 = 5; therefore, E being the 5th letter, is dominical letter for that part of the year which follows the 29th of February, while F, the letter that fol

days, three years of an even number of weeks and three days, that every fourth year, by intercalation, is made to consist of 366 days; so that four years consist of an even number of weeks and five days; for we have (4 ÷ 4) + 4 = 5,

to commence on Thursday, two days later in the week than the preceding year. Now what is true concerning the first four years of the era, is

r the rest of the year. Now reading from F to G, the letter for July, we have F Sunday, G Monday; hence July commenced on Monday, and the fourth was Thursday. On what day of the week did Lee surrender to Grant, which occurred on April 9th, 1865? We have then 1865 ÷ 4 = 466+; 18

der 1. Then 2 - 1 = 1; therefore, A being the first letter, is dominical letter for 1989. Now, reading from A to D, the letter for March, we have A Sunday, B Monday, C Tuesday, and D Wednesday; hence March will commence on

e world, made the year too long by more than eleven minutes. Those eleven minutes a year had accumulated, from the council of Nice, in 325, to the discovery of America, in 1492, to nine days, so that the civil year was nine da

endar, the cycle which restores the coincidence of the day of the month and the day of the week, is completed in 400 years; so that after 400 years, events will again transpire in the same order, on the same day of the week. Now, as Columbus landed on Friday, October 21st, 1492, so Friday, October 21st, 1892, is the day of the month and also the day of the week to be observed in

ree days from the time of Julius C?sar to the Council of Nice, which remained uncorrected. Gregory restored the vernal equinox to the 21st of March, its date at the meeting of that counc

until the close of the 4th century, when it amounts to nearly one day, reckoned in round numbers one day. Now in order to make the calculation, proceed accordi

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+; 450 + 112 = 562; 562 ÷ 7 = 80, remainder 2. Then 3 - 2 = 1; therefore, A being the first letter, is dominical letter for 450, Old Style, and January commenced on Sunday. For New Style

ve then 1250 ÷ 4 = 312+; 1250 + 312 = 1562; 1562 ÷ 7 = 223, remainder 1. Then 3 - 1 = 2; therefore, B being the second letter, is dominical letter for the year 1250, Old Style. Now, reading from B to A,

on the same day of the week; but Old Style, during this century, is seven days behind the tr

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Equinox is made to occur three days earlier every 400 years, s

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incidence of the solar and civil year is rest

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