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Our Little Persian Cousin


Word Count: 1442    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of the Shah, and was blessed by a visit to the sacred shrine of the holy Imam Reza when the Shah se

his shrine. The room inside is just covered with gold and silver and bright stones, an

f such beautiful colours that he can't describe them. And Mashaddi has seen the palace of the Shah at Teheran, too. He says that he saw a throne covered over with carved gold, and everywhere in this gold are set flas

,-the Shah isn't ask

behave before khans (noblemen). Our agha (master) is coming her

was tying up the sheaves. Of course Abbas hurried to put a sheaf in the road before him as a present. The agha th

hings, they were hungry. Then he told them that because they had eaten up his wheat they owed him money for it. The interest they pay each year is one fifth of what they owe. But he cannot get it from most of them, although his ferashes (officers) have thrashed the men so that they went limping about for

hbaz, who had just come in. "I heard in the city last week that

y with a purse full of gold in her hand. I remember that once I saw the heads of two thieves stuck on the tops of poles before his house. He cut off the hands of a lot of rascal

perly," said Grandmother. "Perhaps he will find grace in t

think that could

lah has promised to help me. If God will, we shall find

hin a week. When the horseman reached the door of Abdullah's house, Abdullah met him

into the house. Here Nana had ready

lue broadcloth, and one toman in money. Now for three days everyone was busy. The agha's house was swept, carpets were put down, and plenty of food made ready for cooking

be collected. But this year the harvest had been a good one, and only three men told Ab

We shall have to tell him, 'These three men only did not pa

tore their hair. They offered to pay one half, or

eave it to

he agha arrived, the last sh

and the white beards, with many bows, offered him the taxes in full, w

my villages I have no one better than you. You have made my eyes to sh

rt under your feet. And yet, since you have stooped to notice me, and have filled my mouth

the holy Koran, and the books of the poets. If he could live with you, if only to sweep the straw for yo

" asked the agha

new blue broadcloth coat. As he entered he bowed low, and then stood a

r name?" ask

your servant's

ur poets ha

ikh Sa'adi have lodged in my skull, t

dly, "he is not stupid. If it

the agha. "Let me

a sing-song voice, as he had

village peasant? You say that the mullah taught you. He shall have a reward for such faithful service. And you," he


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