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Patricia Brent, Spinster


Word Count: 2257    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

eight o'clock; but allowed to remain upon the table un

before her in the dining-room. When at last she could find no excuse for remaining longer in her

cutting off her retreat decided her. As she entered the dining-room the hum of excited conversation ceased abruptly an

deference in Gustave's manner as he placed before her a plate of cold shoulder of mutton and held the salad-bowl at her side. Ha

aid sweetly. "In future no one will eve

ened. Mr. Bolton

vate Enquiry Agen

raske-Morton, looking anxiously at Mis

lton s

s Brent," simpered Miss Sik

ected Mrs. Craske-Morton

omantic, and I shall see your portrait in T

s Sikkum, whose enthusiasm wa

" remarked Mrs. Mosscrop-Smythe, thinking of h

ing to regain control over a piece of lettuce-leaf that flutt

o in her capacity as a post-office supervisor daily sh

id Mr. Bolton, "she may buy

n's "Really, Mr. Bolton

owen. In spite of herself she was excited at the prospect of seeing him again. Mi

lton to Miss Sikkum, producing from her a gig

addressed as "my lord" or "sir," and if you curtsied to

on, in particular, was most solicitous that she should make a good meal. Miss Wangle's silence was

ificently. Throwing open the dining-room door impres

fter a moment's pause he added, "'E 'as

pite of herself at G

ith a muttered apology to Mrs. Craske-Morton, she left the table and

aste and happiness were not in keeping with anger and reproach, entered the lounge wit

rom the window and

asked herself. "Why did she not reproach hi

y, looked up at him and then

at Galvin House; but with him before her, looking down at her with eyes that were smilingly

tricia." Bowen's eyes smiled; but the

shoulder anxiously. "They'll all be out in a moment. I left them straining at their leashes

Patricia stab

this?" she enquired as Bowen help

case it gets cold," he replied, and h

whispered, "t

to Gustave, who stood almost bowed down with

s Galvin House was heavily massed. Unable to find a space, Miss Sikkum and Mr. Bolton had come

ia shu

the feeling of the luxury of a Rolls Royce. From time to time Bowen glanced at her and smiled, and she was conscious

mmon into Priory Lane, and finally into Richmond Park. Bowen had not mentioned where he intended to take her, and Patricia was gl

of Kingston Gate and, a minute later, drew up just off

a smile, "I am at your mercy

nt everything might have been, but for that unfortunate unconvention. W

en's presence seemed to dissipate her anger. Why had she not written to him ins

o hard on me, Patri

an air of penitence. It was so disarming. It was unfair. He was taking a mean adva

from his, she was able to tinge her

not tell me w

id," he

as pleased to find her sense of outraged indignation increasing. "Y


" replied Patricia unreason

later I told you that my rank was that of a lieu

us," then conscious of the absurdity of her words, Pat

said Bowen, concern i

ocks," said Patricia, "but all the tabbies in Galvin House set themselves to work to find out wh

Bowen, knitting his brows.

Lord Peter Bowen. Aunt Adelaide then asked me about my engagement, and I had to make up some sort of story about Colonel Bowen. She then enquired if it were tr

o Aunt Adelaide is,

made him very dif

way she would be neither surviving nor a relative; but as it happens she is both, and to-morrow aft

wrinkled his forehead; but t

, isn't it, Pat

d please don't c

re engag

ng of the so

protested Bo

rted. "What am I to tell Aunt Adelaide

her the trut

hat was eyeing the car curiously from some fifty yards distance. "Tell

a lie," proteste

ng, she laughed, and Bowen laughed. Finally

e ribbons on his breast, "I don't know. I

He was apparently lost in though

morrow afternoon I'll have found a solution.

delaide is looming on the horizon. She's about the m

, "you couldn't solve the difficult

l licence!" cried Pa

ld put every

atricia with decision; but consci

love," was Bowen's qui

gation would I marry you by special, or any

ce. Then a moment after, drawing his cigarette-ca

had settled upon his usually happy face, and noted the staccatoed manner in which he smoked. Then she became conscious that she

I was rather a beast

miled; but the smile

nd," she said, "and now

tting out of the car, started the engine,

At Galvin House Gustave, who was on the loo

her referred to the subje

nge seemed suddenly to empty

yed your ride,"

curt "Good night," leaving a group of surprised people speculating

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