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Peeps at many lands: Sweden

Peeps at many lands: Sweden



Word Count: 1892    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ng man might have been seen looking into the open mine. He was full of thought and anxiety, for was not his country in the hands of the Danish King, Christian II., a cruel tyrant?

it again. He donned the peasant costume, and became as one of themselves. He worked alongside them in the mines, and soon became a great favourite because of his bright, winning manner. He took every opportunity of speaking to them of the subject that lay nearest to his hea

quire Arendt Persson, who, eager to win the reward offered for Gustavus Vasa's capture, betrayed him to the Danish soldiers. Arendt's wife suspected treachery, and let the young man down with a towel from a wi

proceeded towards R?ttvik. They were surrounded by Danish soldiers, who stopped the cart and roughly thrust their sharp pikes into the straw. Gustavus was pierced in the side by a spear. The pain was great, b

row off the Danish yoke. This led him into great difficulties and great suffering. He was often in want of food, and afraid to ask

spinning-wheel. When she knew who he was, she put him into a dark cellar underneath the kitchen-floor, and covered the trap-door with a large brewing vat. The soldiers were baffled, a

h wind blows. Let us attend to what he says." The north wind blowing was considered a good omen-a sign that God would be gracious. Gustavus was soon chosen lord and chieftain over Dalecarlia, and the whole realm of Sweden. After he had collected an army of several hundred men, he marched to Falun, seized the property of the Danish and German merchants, and distributed it among his men. Infected by his enthusiasm and encouraged by his early success, the Swedes assembled round his banner in large numbers. The Danes were struck by their courage and hardihood. On one occasion a Danish General asked how a large force of Swedes could be supported in so wild a country. A Swede, hearing

of Generals Tilly and Wallenstein. Gustavus resolved to go to the aid of the Princes. With only 13,000 Swedes he set sail, but as soon as he reached Germany, large numbers of men joined his army. Emperor Ferdinand, when he heard of his arrival, said: "Oh, we have another little enemy come

prayer. The next day the King mounted his horse to lead his army. When his officers saw him, he was without his armour. They urged him to put it on. "God is my cuirass," said the King, and galloped into the thick of the fight. It was a desperate fight, and a critical moment, when his ri

g glory. Within twelve months, when he was only nineteen years of age, he had to encounter Denmark, Russia, and Poland. He first so attacked Denmark that the King had to sue for peace. On a November morning, with 8,000 Swedes, he attacked 50,000 Russians under the walls of Narva, and inflicted on them a great defeat. He then dethroned the King of Poland and put another in his place. His hatred of Russia was his downfall. In 1708 he again invaded tha

with them, and his ever-cheerful countenance. He, however, exhausted the country, as the wars he carried on drained her of her best blood, and emptied her treasury.

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roved himself to be one of the greatest powers in France at that time. The Swedes chose him as Crown Prince, very much against Napoleon's wish, who, no doubt, did not desire to lose so able a General, but at last, probably thinking that Bernadotte would help him in his scheme



country contemporary with the Swedish on


1523-1560 Henry

47-1553 James


s, 1611-1632 Jam

I., 16

7-1718 William an



818-1844 George

IV., 18


ia, 18

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