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Peg O' My Heart


Word Count: 1335    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nly, long enough in Ireland t

into the si

he room she turned her back on

shed? He was willing to forget the foolhardy things she had done and the bitter things she had said. Let bygones be bygones. He realised that he had neglected her. He would do so no longer. Fa

is Angela ma

hen Monica came he told her that whenever Angela wished to recognise hi

ngela sen

e was stronger, arrangements wer

haniel came forward to assist her. She passed him without a word. Nor did she spe

distant cousin of her mother's-Mrs. Wrexford-and made her home with her, as she had often done before. She refused

able organisations and was a busy helper in the field of mercy. She worshipped Angela, as she had her mother before her. That something serious had occurred between Angela

again. Mrs. Wrexford respected her wishes and watched her and

Angela showed it to Mrs. Wre

I see him here

nd of ma

hat heroes

-may, one say unreserve

meaning of

ood f

odness. His family wer

nk it wise

he wisdom. I only l

that you ca


ou lov

ove as I can

ed Mrs. Wrexford,

s lie wide apart. He is working for the biggest t

ld be indiscreet, dear, to


ed so many poor victims of the cruel laws, and the memory of their drawn faces and evil eyes, and


as for his persecutors-not for him. Still, i

ar child. If

es he does me. I want to hear him speak again.

a," said the old l

in London. They met in Mrs. Wrexfo

ad last met. But O'Connell thought, as he looked at her, that all the suffering he had gone through passed from him as some hideous dream. It was worth it-these months of torture-just to be looking

is life in her

at he might see her standing near him just as she was then: see the droop of her eye and the

mute be

her hand an

you for

answered hoarsely. "They have not b

tensely; "they

y would be," s

at the pale face and the th

ere you in-danger?" His voice had a catch of fear

past. I am a little weak-a lit

should happen!" He buried his face in his

tried vainly to check. Angela pu

that," she

d himself wi

a moment. Just a m

bowed in reverence. "God help me," he

at him, her fa


e throbbing of her brain shouted it: "He loves you

ed out her

ne. Let us join our lives and give the

up at her

t. Think

st that is in m

ant! A

e noblest o


should be redeemed. You have given the pain

be fair to yo

e it will be un

ar one! My

d her in

ys to guard you and protect

" and her voice

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