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Prudy Keeping House


Word Count: 2019    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ht cheered by a remark which Mrs.

the morning. I dare say you would like

irs," thought Prudy. And now her troubles were over. L

too warm. Mrs. Fixfax had rolled Fly into a big bundle, with nothin

said, "with gravestones

ver did me so, Hollis. She gave me little tinty tonty pill

Topknot, and don't

Fly lay gasping; th

lis, is He l

don't be afraid

n't naughty. When I'm good

ty, To

doors; but that new Miss Fixfix, she let me gwout


ry all the time. I ate ollinges, too

w I know what ails you. But yo

ying till the tears ran down on the flannel which was bo

is; I've telled God. I feel better

ar, that's righ

ou s'pose He'll send m

Topknot? Your spirit's in y

d little spirrick to come back," murmured the chi

g of her unseen

Fly waked him no less than three tim

don't wake me

o to sleep 'fore I do. Yo

her languid, as might have be

caught this dreadful cold, unless it was your

her's back hair, for she was

see that Poland

orace, bluntly. "At any rate, Fly mustn

asked Mrs. Fixfax. She is the

replied the housekeeper, hesitating. "We wil

ing my opinion one side,"

t seemed lively enough, as she always did

ace;-"but really I don't know what else to do. I couldn't keep her at home unless the rest of the children staid; and if I did I presume s

f," thought brother Horace, deepl

ghly unnecessary. He was charmed at once with the foreign lady's affable manners, and would have liked to go with her, if only

her life," said Dotty. "You expected she w

urned Fly, coughing. "I knew I

n alarm; for she knew as much about children's ai

he housekeeper, still looking anxious,

ty wanted me to have the me

ical laugh. "Indeed, your little cousin was cruel to

ights all the way. But no; the shops had their eyes shut. Yesterday how quickly everybody h

ould think it was Sunday, only t

ook at the one in the corner in its nurse's arms, with a point-lace bib under its

aze steadily fix

eceding from the middle of those stores.

sn't going to be pe

ave walls both sides of it? Horace, you scared me so yesterday, I like to screamed. You said there were bulls and bears growling all the wa

but Dotty never could understand why it was not proper at all times to say what sh

hope you'll excuse me, but

; but never mind about the last

ly when we go into church? O, you don't know how funny she acts, or you never'd dare ta

down on little Miss Toddlekins as if she were actually afraid of her. She took care

stmas decorations so fresh and beautiful, and the service s

ught Prudy, as she listened to the plaintive chant,

every minute, it doesn't seem as if it makes so much differ

flowed from the wound; and the sight of it, together with the pain, made the child frantic. She forgot where she was and screamed. Poor Mrs. Pragoffyetski! Though a good woman in the main, she was rather proud of appea

! Hush, my babe, lie still,

ut Fly sincerely believed she was bleeding to

nging both hands into the stream of

Horace got her into the aisle, she

terly. "Mrs. Fixfax had no business steaming t

Mrs. Pragoff did not wish to make a second se

," thought Miss Dimple; "and now, O dear

how sorry she was for M

a marble image. When they reached Mrs. Pragoff's, she was placed on a sofa, and for once in her life lay still. Horace bent over her with the wildest anxiety, thin

ncle 'Gustu

"crying about that?

'Gustus so hard as I do,"

elegant mansion was a very interesting place to visit. To say nothing of things which "made a noise," there was no end of curiosities from the four quarters of the

u do last night wit

? What

ce. She remembered slipping off her auntie's rings wh

I left 'em in-in-wher

satisfied, for she was listening with one ear

in much agitation; "and then I could have gone all rou


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