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Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 3331    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ect of Blaines College, and his Ladies

ripped. They are the badge of quality, and the test of it, the sure scaling-rod by which the frightened débutante may measure herself at last, to ask of her mirror that night, with who can say what tremors: "Am I a success?" Over these balls strangers go mad. They c

d soon to remeet in the palm-decked vestibule. Within the great room, couples were already dancing; Fetzy's Hungarians on a dais, concealed behind a wild thicket of growing things, were sighing out a wonderful waltz; rows of white-covered chairs stood expectantly on all four sides of

ogether with a handkerchief in a true lovers' knot; and, Fetzy's continuing its heavenly w

en silence: "I feel enormously h

worthy to the casual, but it carr

s lightly as he could, "to let me b

voice was indolent, provocative. She was superbly dressed in white, and on her ro

you think that men bring these

st said: "I wonder if you begin to understand wh

t, not wholly because she knew how to do that to exactly the best advantage. Few persons would have mistaken Miss Avery for a wholly inexperienced and unsophisticated girl. But

rtune, he had won his place by his individual merits; chiefly, perhaps, for so wags the world, by an exterior singularly prepossessing and a manner that was a possession above rubies. His were good looks of the best fashion of men's good looks; not a tall man, he yet gave the effect of tallness, so perfect was his carriage, so handsome his address. And he was as clever as charming; cultured as the world knows culture; literary as the term goes; nor was there any one who made a happier speech than he, whether in t

e unsteadying embarrassment which had shaken him at the fir

ch a memorable day for me," said he. "Two great honor

extraordinary eyes, gray and emerald, not large, but singul

West, "is of a commoner kind. They want

very, and paused. "And s

, Semple & West will be Semple and Something else. They'll elect me

with faint enthusiasm. "But why are you givi

s it all come to, at the last? A man aspires to find some bett

not, though she certainly did

ry, I earnestly want to serve. My deepest ambition is to leave some mark for the better upon my environment

e air for the nonce. Mr. West was so fortunate as to secure the hand of Miss Weyland for the figure, he having taken the precaution to ask that pr

p. "I'm so glad to see you, for it seems ages since we met, though, you know, it was only last week. Is not that a nic

world that you can say, qui

to-night is altogether the lovelies


-night is quite the nicest m

aid that to to-night, here i

file of low-cut gowns and pretty faces, and step for step across the floor moved a similar line of swallow-tail and masculinity. At the head of the room the two lines curved together

Charles Gardine

ic changed; and off they

t languorous; her voice was not provocative; her eyes were not narrow and tip-tilted; they did not look dangerous in the least, unless you so regard all extreme pleasure derived from looking at anything in the nature of eyes. Nor was there anything in the least businesslike, official, or stenographic about her manner. If her head bulged with facts about the treatm

s all a part of something splendid that belonged to them alone in the world. Another man at such a moment would have contente

ncerely rejoiced and triumphed in it for him that his heart grew very tender toward her, and he told her all his plans; how he meant to make of Blaine

pril. The next month goes to my plans, arranging and laying out a great advertising campaign for the September opening. Early in June I shall sail for Europe, nominally

... Oh, how fin

prodigal young Beverley Byrd, and far too large to carry. She lifted them up; scented their

te Department of Charities presents

ands his minion to place it

ces ... lorgnettes, to

we two wer

Beverley Byrd, romping up. "No openin

thing of a whirl. In another minute he was

e; and presently a waltz faded out and in a breath converted itself into

irth for nothing else than the beguiling of lordly man. From the heart of her beautiful bouquet she

t?" She looked up and her long eyes fell-we need not assume for the first time-upon the flower in his lapel. "I beg your par

rose from his buttonhole and jam

it t

consequence. Flow

l these girls since they were born. When they offer me flow

k her he

ize it-and why?" said he in

hem suddenly and put the flower in his buttonhole, he

she took up the thread

shouldn't it be for something bigger tha

has not been that sturdy demand from the public, th

us that the new Mayor of this city, if he was at all the right sort, would go from the City

of duck, said that he

est character, and that man was-you. No other, by your leave! The Mayoralty, the Governorship, the Senate w

close eye upon the march of affairs, doubtless doing his share toward moulding public opinion through contributions to the Post and the rev

"I should think you had far rather be editor of

nel Cowles. The talk ran off into other channels, but

d Home Sweet Home falls all too soon upon the enthralled ear. Now began the movement toward that place, be it never so humble, like which there is none; and amid the

ll the time. Won't you please teach all your boys to be very good, and to work h

llared and edged with white fur, and her arm

College shall never blot out the Department of Charities. I nearly forgot


tely in April. Colonel Cowles is going to recommend it.

is articles give a-a t

tone, if you like, but still one

d, and it was one

come of him if he is turned adrift

the man's valuable, and you may count on it t

ike a Planet who usually had his way. The Star, too, had strong inclinations in the same direction. For example, she had no

ut one of the glorious roses, but suddenly checked herself and gazed off pensively into space, a finger at her lip. "Ah! I thought this gesture s

; he had no idea where he had lost it, nor could he now stay to inquire. The

aid he, with a courtly bow. "The

e was a corona

s new one," said she, plucking it ou

he dainty ceremony, her color faintly heightened, Sharlee looked straight into the narrow eyes of Miss Avery, who, talking with a little

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