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Rachel Gray

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1255    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

terfere; how even Mrs. Brown chose to comment on the startling fact of a new groce

as come. Rachel, her mother, Mary, and Mr. Jones were all busy giving the

is it?" said Jones, looking aroun

in their places; the drawers and boxes his own hands had fashioned. We will not aver that a professional glazier and carpenter might not have done all this infinitel

ray, 'tain't

"I should think not. You're a clever man, Mr. Jones, to ha

head, and passed his hand

though I say it that should

ot relishing so much modesty, "why, didn't

replied her father, "I

ll them square boxes,

it, and help Miss Gray there to

s?" triumphantly exclaimed Mar

d, I should

ter! who made

. I only pol

you polished it up, father?" a

oor, whistling, with his hands in his pockets. 'That's fire-wood,' says I to him. 'No 'tain't, it's as good a counter as ever a sovereign was changed on.' 'My good man,' says I, 'it's firewood, and I'll give you five shillings for it.' Law, but you should have seen how he looked at me. Well, to cut a

y!" enthusiastically cr


ooks very nice. But, Mr. Jones," she added, in a low timid voice, "why

his right hand forefinger, he whispered knowingly: "That

ther," cried Mary,

denly producing this masterpiece of art, and ho

ain, to the end of time. Its shape we will not, because we cannot describe. It conf

the lid?"

id; but it don't t

And that's

s you, Mrs. Gray,

here's the h

be sure," replied Jones, rat

er, Jones was satisfied; and, setting down the wooden Teapot-we forgot to

that Teapot," he sa

ays, f

Mrs. Gray? And now, ladies, we'll put away the Teapot,

terprising public man, and destined to effect a salutary revolution in the whole neighbourhood. Such, at least, was the opinion of Mrs. Gray, warmly supported

ned at home, to assist her father; and she went through the day with perfect composure; but Mr. Jones was fairly overpowered: the cup of his honours was too full; the sum of his joy was too great. He blundered, he stammered, he was excited, and looked foolis

has undertaken," gravely obse

ined to look at the sha

l never do. I said so from the first,

y observed Jane; "it wil


and venturing for once on a reproof, "I would rather you did not think so much of what evil may

, she did not look round, but resumed her work, a moment interrupted. The room remained deeply silent Jane was cri

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