Rambles in Womanland
te it? How many ever realize what it is? For some it is a mor
hat very few people are sufficiently free from some vulgarity
it violent constitutions, too much delicacy to suit people destitute of refinement, too much enthusiasm to suit cool hearts,
preciated, and you will easily understand why it must b
, but women can love better than
l, piquant, elegant, rich, difficult to obtain, and because men are violent, ambitious, wilful, and obstin
or extravagance which you care to name. Women are flattered by these follies and extra
love. Passion is as fickle as love is constant.
elights in dwelling, women who give to the public all the treasures of their beauty, amiability, and talent are those who inspire in men the m
rs a moss bank against some wall covered with ivy, some solitude where silence is so perfect t
he loves truly he will take her to the border of a forest in some secluded, pictur
rn with feelings of delicacy and refinement that only few men can acquire or develop; they are
ior to men-whereas many men see their love cooled by pos
dy, heart, and soul. Her love is the occupation of her life, her only thoug
ould only be sufficiently impressed with this fa