Redburn. His First Voyage
to tip the wink all round, and I overheard a fellow in a great flapping sou'wester cap say to another old tar in a shaggy monkey-jacket, "Twig his coat, d'ye
a saucer, will
Come here, my little boy, has your ma put
not do to resent what they said; they can't mean any harm, though they are certainly very impudent; so
piece for a fair price to chance customers, I was walking up Chatham-street with it, when a curly-headed little man with a dark oily face
illy invited me into his shop; and making a polite bow, and bidding me many unnecessary good mornings, and remarking upon the fine weather, begged me
ch I will not try to mimic, and abating his look of eage
, "it's not been used more than thr
word I had never heard before, I asked him what it meant; when he replied, that when people wanted any money, they came to him with
d man, this must be, though
ch will you let me have for
lars, and seeing you're a boy, I'll
wling-piece, "it's worth five tim
u'll do better," and he bowed me out as i
d up and labeled. Hats, and caps, and coats, and guns, and swords, and canes, and chests, and planes, and books, and writing-desks, and every thing else. And in a glass case were lots of watches, and seals, chains, and rings, and breastpins, and all kinds of trinkets. At one of the little holes, earnestly talking with one of the hook-nosed m
a calico shirt and a shiny coat with a velvet collar presented a silver watch; and a sheepish boy in a cloak took out a frying-pan; and another little boy had a Bible; and all these things were thrust through t
n, I pushed my gun violently through the hole; upon which the hook-nosed man cried out, thinking I was going to shoot
t one doll
I'll give,
t and a pimply face, that looked as if it was going to seed likewise, who, with a mysterious tapping
nd said, "None of that; take it out. Got a st
had heard the pawnbroker; then he took something very small out of his
t this ring?" sai
hispered the other, bl
said the pawnbroker,
ther in reply, leaning over, and looking
he ring to it began to write on the ticket; all at once he asked the young man where he lived, a q
ve there," said the man, cruelly gla
s was only a sort of form to go through; I don't like to tell wh
slur upon his calling, and now seemingly bent on damaging the young man's character for
some baby-clothes in her hand, looked fearfully at the pawnbroker, as if dreading to encounter such a terrible pattern of integrity. At last the y
d told the person to be off with himself; I concluded that it would be of no use to try and get more from them than they had offered; especially when I saw that they had a
rst offer. But when I went back, the curly-headed man was very busy about something else, and kept me
d get it," he replied. "I won't give
as not to be moved, so I poc