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Roy Blakeley

Chapter 5 LOST

Word Count: 1853    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

me. There are two cruises in this book-a big one and a little one. You can take your pick. The little on

of weeks. It didn't only turn out, but it turned in and it turned sideways and every which way. But I'm not going to knock it. It got knocks enough going

the roof had a railing around it and there was lots of room there. There was lots of room on the deck too. And there was a kind of little guard-house, too, to put Pee-wee in if he didn't behave. Some of the windows

I guess all he took was a look around. There were some cushions piled on

eyes that be can see a smell. I told him he had a classy eye because there was a pupil

ally now that we have a boat like this. The next thing

it started along up above Little Valley. Over there they call it Dutch Creek. He said that at high tide we could float the houseboat right down into Bridgeboro River and then wait for the up tide o

W. S. means without scoutmaster. So pretty soon they began coming up to Camp Solitaire. That's the name I gave the tent I have on our lawn. When they were all there, I told them about Mr. Donnelle and the houseb

fore we got there, and I guess I'd better ten you about it. I made a map too, so you

en I noticed a mark on a rock that I was sure was a scout mark. It was an arrow and it was marked with a piece of slat

, but go ahead if I wanted to, and I told them I'd meet them at Little Valley later. So now comes the adventure. As soon as I left the fellows, I hit the trail into the woods just like you'll see on the map I made. It wasn't much of trail and I gues


y soon I was plodding around deeper than my knees and it gave me a strain every time I dragged my leg out of the swamp. Maybe you'll wonder why I didn't go back, bu

quicksand. As long as I could get my legs out I was all right, but when I began sinking as low as my waist and h

Oh, jiminies, I was scared. Once, after I scrambled out I tried lying flat on the marsh with the reeds laid over sideways underneath

erfoot. But this was worse than anything I ever knew before. Once I sank down almost to my shoulders and I guess I

t thing I could do was to stand just where I was. I didn't know what it was I was standing on, but anyway it didn't seem to sink any, so I was kind of safe there, as you migh

if anybody knew, I didn't see how they could get to me and it was only by good luck that I wasn't dead already on account of the hard thing I was standing on. Every once in a while bubbles would come up and I thought it was because that

e-boat and waiting for me to come, and I could just kind of hear them jollying Pee-wee, and oh, I wished I was there. I was wondering who the Silver Foxes would elect for their patrol leader and then I got to thinking h

ays do when he keeps standing in water. Only this was worse than wate

he pencil was wet too, but I held it up high out of the marsh and wrote this on

s standing on something that was hard and maybe you'll find my body lying on that. In my desk is something I was going to give my mother for a birthday present. I

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