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Sam's Chance And How He Improved It


Word Count: 1414    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

his own master. He must go and come at the will of his employer. To be sure, his earnings were greater than in his street life, and he had a regular home. He knew beforehand where

e applied to Henry

stamps, I'll have to go w

t your first week'

boss said, though I d


y for your meals to

" sai

if you'll be sure to pay

do it,

w, Sam, I want to give

t is

nough to pay the rent of the room, you'll ha

said Sam, with

his has got to last you fo

ch is i


I can mak

fty, and you ought to find wh

ten cents a day mor

s too

was. I went to be

've got to eat enough, or you won't be fit for work. You'l

ge it," said Sa

ive-cent cigars. This made necessary an outlay of seventy-five cents. The next day also he overran his allowance. The consequence was that on

uess I'll have to borr

" asked hi

nything to buy m

es that

am. "I must have lost

n extravagant, that's what's the matt

n't k

ent seventy-five cents. That's tw

only for

n four days as much as ought to

rumbled Sam, who was unprep

that have to live on as sm

lend me so

d you twenty-five cents every morning,

that. You spend

ice as much as you ought one day,

for three days all

I w

y n

ne day, and want to borr

I wou

't need it all

ean," gru

ing like a friend. It

et for twenty

t have had to live on it, if you

his appetite for the remainder of the week. I am ashamed to say that, when Saturday nigh

he said. "You must p

such an awful hur

t you pay it now," said Henry.

. I want to go to hear

go on borro

n't have enough to las

you know what I would d


rs a week till I'd got

llars, but I don't wa

d feel paid for it afterward. Besides, Sam, you need some shirts and stockings

afford to

some for you, if you'll agree to pay m

ready to make promises. "Give me the

" said Henry, quietly. "You might forget what you w

of his companion's caution. At an

his roommate. Considering the small sum at his command, he had no choice in the matter. Boys who have to pay their entire expenses out of five dollars a week cannot patronize

tant addition to his wardrobe under his a

e you six weeks to pay me for t

" said Sam,

on was shrewd enough to see that he must follow Sam up, if

very evening to study. He tried to prevail u

is roommate was at home he was in the habit of st

met a boy of his acquaintance,


s Hotel, and see t


able, and presently th

fford it,"

uch. If you beat m

vices, the game occupied an hour, and Sam, who was bea

een minutes," he said to h

"but if you had beaten me you

oin' to live on five d

y, "I wonder when

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1 Chapter 1 SAM'S NEW CLOTHES.2 Chapter 2 SAM'S FIRST DAY IN BUSINESS.3 Chapter 3 SAM FINDS A ROOM.4 Chapter 4 FIRST LESSONS.5 Chapter 5 SAM'S FINANCES.6 Chapter 6 SAM'S LUCK.7 Chapter 7 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD.8 Chapter 8 AN UNEXPECTED OBSTACLE.9 Chapter 9 RESTORING THE RING.10 Chapter 10 SAM'S INVESTMENT.11 Chapter 11 HENRY BECOMES A MERCHANT.12 Chapter 12 HOW SAM SUCCEEDED.13 Chapter 13 HENRY'S GOOD FORTUNE.14 Chapter 14 THE SAVINGS BANK BOOK.15 Chapter 15 SAM IS FOUND OUT.16 Chapter 16 SAM LOSES HIS PLACE.17 Chapter 17 TIM IS UNMASKED.18 Chapter 18 THE FALL RIVER BOAT.19 Chapter 19 MUTUAL CONFIDENCES.20 Chapter 20 TOO LATE FOR THE TRAIN.21 Chapter 21 ARRIVED IN BOSTON.22 Chapter 22 FIRST EXPERIENCES IN BOSTON.23 Chapter 23 SAM FINDS A ROOMMATE.24 Chapter 24 AN UNPLEASANT SURPRISE.25 Chapter 25 IN PURSUIT OP A PLACE.26 Chapter 26 ABNER BLODGETT AGAIN.27 Chapter 27 SAM IS INITIATED INTO A COLLEGE SOCIETY.28 Chapter 28 BROWN'S PLAN.29 Chapter 29 ARTHUR BROWN.30 Chapter 30 HOW IT WAS ARRANGED.31 Chapter 31 TWO YEARS LATER.32 Chapter 32 CONCLUSION.33 Chapter 33 '; joined to following paragraph.34 Chapter 34 house' changed to 'lodging-house'.35 Chapter 35 You have been extravagent,'; 'extravagent' changed to 'extravagant'.36 Chapter 36 '; missing double-quote at end inserted.37 Chapter 37 five dollars. It isn't much,' missing double-quote at end inserted.38 Chapter 38 ' 'though' changed to 'thought'.39 Chapter 39 six dollars'; 'depost' changed to 'deposit'.40 Chapter 40 Dalton looked up as he entered.' spurious double-quote at beginning of paragraph deleted.41 Chapter 41 ' 'birth' changed to 'berth'.42 Chapter 42 day, said Sam. ' spurious double-quote at end of paragraph deleted.43 Chapter 43 '; 'astonishmen' changed to 'astonishment'.44 Chapter 44 '; 'Should't' changed to 'Shouldn't.45 Chapter 45 ' the extra 'me' was removed.46 Chapter 46 '; comma added after 'ma'am' and 'Aner' changed to 'Abner'.47 Chapter 47 by old woman! muttered Abner ase he closed the door,' 'ase' changed to 'as'.48 Chapter 48 '; 'desondent' changed to 'despondent'.49 Chapter 49 '; 'wil' changed to 'will'.50 Chapter 50 ' missing double-quote at end of paragraph added.51 Chapter 51 quote at continuation of dialogue inserted.