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Secrets of the Andes

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1564    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


lack with dirt that looked the product of weeks. The clothes he

said, as he glanced u

gly at this forlorn being, as if trying to accoun

t?" he asked. "What

at Bob and Joe, and then, satisfied

mered. "I hid under a pile of bags when the

he car?" demanded Joe.

d a moment be

he confessed, dr

his youngster's frankness t

n the boy's shoulder, "tell us about

school, that's why. Ai

school, huh? Wh


ations of surpris

ose who have not read the first two books of The Exploration Series, to tell someth

of nineteen. His complexion was originally light, but an adventurous life in ho

ble. Joe was of medium build and possessed many desirable charact

ts, who often wandered to far corners of the globe in search of wild animals for a large Washin

with wild animals and treacherous savages they had many thrilling adventures, which are related in the first volume of this series, Lost in the Wild

ngs, they endured a terrible sand storm, went for days without water, and finally fou

xplore the Andes Mountains in South America, and Bob and Joe were given the permission to accompany the men. The boys had argued stiffly that such an adventure wo

in amazement at the small lad who said his ho

is distance?" he ask


you ran away from

m goin' back. That's w

hange your min

goin' without anything

ing was clear to them now. They were impressed by this litt

as on a moving freight train. The cold sweat burst out on

I guess we're in for it. Where doe

t's where this car is headed for.


aid. "Still there may be a chance of get

said, nodding. He turned to the lad. "Can yo

time I've run away. Gettin'

es?" inq

bite nails. Bet he's got the razor s

The personality of t

ame, and this is my

hand was

er, the son of

burst out i

rse t

old man used to be. I'm not onto him

ed. The youths were beginning to ta

was evidently of a very low type morally. Little wonder that young Spike had turned

ut of yourself?" asked Bob. "Wouldn't you like to be a

hat?" the

o little-known places to collect wild anim

n young Spike's eyes. He had ab

big rifle, and camp

Bob replied. "And he usually

Wonder what it feels like

after you get use

ough he felt that Joe was talking of

d them," explained

lad was al

ted wild animals?

ir newly made young friend listened breathlessly. By the expressions on his face they knew that he was a

re real natural

o be a naturalist you must go through college and get your

t in thought. Finally he roused h

aid conclusively. "And then maybe I can have a lot of fun huntin'

on mean anything, or was it merely a childish notion? At

speak, but Spik

're comin' to a stop.

g up at a spot where the track had branched into

to get off," dec

g down the track. It may be a railroad poli

boxes," suggested Joe. "H

concealed themselves in a corner

the side of the box car. There was the sound of a door rolling forward, and the

out from behind the boxes an

an exclamati

the door!" he crie

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