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The Kingdom of the Blind

The Kingdom of the Blind


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 2688    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

tress who had every charm but youth, chatting vivaciously with a tall, pale-faced man whose French seemed to be as perfect as his attitude was correct. The

musician. A little further in the background, a young man in the uniform of a naval lieutenant was exchanging what seemed to be rathe

aining guest, a somewhat tired-looking publisher who stood by her side. "I am one short.

sher shoo

Selarne," he observed. "For the rest, I

tall, fair girl-isn't she pretty!-is Geraldine Conyers, daughter of Admiral Sir Seymour Conyers. That's her brother, the sailor over there, talking to Olive Moreton; their engagement was an

r counted th

ing ourselves,

r face suddenly brightening. "What an idiot I am! It's Ronnie we are waitin

nterest in her face, and the curve of her lips as she spoke, added to her char

Ronald Granet, who is coming


th dispatches from the front," she

perhaps?" Madame Selar

t he has seen some terrible fighting, and we are very proud of his D. S. O.

nt judgment," Lor

at her august guest

meal, about three weeks late, we never get rid of our forebodings, even when you tell us about victories.... Ah! Here he comes at last," she added, holding out both her hands to the young man who was making his somewhat diffi

he remains of freckles upon his face. His grey eyes were a little sunken, and there were lines about his mouth which one might have guessed had been

arne. Lady Patrick, we have met before, haven't we? I am going to see your husband in his new play the first night I am allowed out. Mr.

ho had been watching him with interest

she has been asking about you. This is my nephew R

shook hands. The young soldier looked at her

too," he s

nt from your young man," Lady Anselman continued. "Captain Granet-Mi

ady Anselman glanced at the clock and

nk," she announ

adame Selarne. He had drawn a little on one side and he was watching the young soldie

have met Surgeon-Major Thomson in France? Majo

oticing things, and who had also reasons of her own for being interested, observed the rather peculiar scrutiny with

oing such great things with the Field Hospitals at the front, then like nearly every poor crock out there I ow

ook their places at the table which had been reserved for them. Lady Anselman glanced around with the scrutinising air of the professional hostess, to

on't approve of putting engaged people together, it concentrates conversation so. And, Lord Romsey," she added, turning to her neighbour, "please don't imagine for a moment that I am going to break my promise. We are going to talk about everything in the world except the war. I know quite well that if Ronnie has had any particularly thrilling exper

, dear hostess," he murmured. "As a matter of fact, nothing but the circumstance that it was your invitation and that Madame Selarne was to be present, brought me here to-day. It is so hard to avoid speaki

hetically. "Madame Selarne has promised to give us an outl

ou all," Madame Selarne a

independent conversation. Mrs. Cunningham, the woman whom her hostess had referred to as being her particular friend, and one who shared her passion for entertaining, chatted fitfully to her neighbour, Major Thomson. It was not until luncheon was more than half-way thro

enly. "I have been talking rubbish quite lo


sion. At that time I was in

d n

tor of Field Hospi

home on

his manner. "I have to come over very often on det

ite well that you were


My friends find me a perfect nuisance, for I am always wanting to give parties. You h

servant," he rem

to discover. Tell me why you are so interested in

ur. She was a woman whose fair hair was turning grey, well-dressed, sp

me," he assented. "One is naturall

British, keen sportsman, lots of pluck, just a little careless, hating to

ntinued to be gr

f thoughtfully, "Do I know

se," Mrs. Cunningham replied briskly. "Sir

her and

ere quite close to the frontier. Lady Granet was an Alsatian. He was to have gone out with the polo team, you know, to America, but broke a rib just

ichton," Major T

has always been one of the most popular young men abo

asked, "or was he not

s of stories as to how he got back to the lines. A perfect young dare-devil, I should thin

f attentive observer, a role which seemed somehow his by destiny. He listened without apparent int

eticence, Captain Granet. You haven't told me a single thing. Why, some of the To


e gets with things out there, and the newspapers can tell you ever so much more than

l experiences?" she persisted. "They are so muc

ured her. "Fearfully slow

lieve a word you say,"

war correspondent, by any

ook he

iently picturesque! Tell me

ass the doctors-in

ally mean that, or do you say it bec

moment to somewhat

my liking my job when I get there. As a matter of fact, I hate it. At the same time, you

that I bothered you. There is one thing I should like

y seemed to have wholly returned. H

the dodge. I gave them the tip and I don't want to spoil their chances. By-the-bye, do you know the man two pl

sented, after a moment's hesitation. "He is very

beamed on them all fr

nnounced, "to take our c

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