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Six Little Bunkers at Uncle Fred's

Chapter 10 SOME BAD NEWS

Word Count: 1727    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

is," said Mrs. Bunker, w

s the others drew nearer, Russ sho

the spring! It's going dry, just

claimed the ranchm

edge of the big spring where Russ stood. He was looking

s getting lower!" ex

was at first," added her husband. "I

night when no one was near it. We'd visit the spring in the evening, and it would be all right. In the morning it wo

ll take another picture of it now. May

ng the camera read

et a drink now, Russ dear, if you want it, f

" exclai

as a cup. This Russ dipped in the fast lowering water, and got a drink for the

hen the spring runs dry?" ask

of this water stored in the tank. I always keep that ful

u pull the stopper out of the bathtub. The water gets lower and lower, running down the

water hole. It was from cracks in these rocks that the water bubbled out and filled a hollow, rock basin before flowing on. Now less and less w

hills, where the stream comes from that feeds this spring, the water is being shut off, jus

we've never been able to find it on top. Well, we won't go thirsty, for ther

eft in the rock basin. No more clear, sparkling water bubbled up out of the cracks in

ater?" asked Mun Bun, as he looked

eve they are," an

sh in," said Margy. "The Indians

worry about this any more. You six little Bunkers came here to have fun, and not bother about my spring. Daddy and I will try to find out

ving the spring, which was now only a damp hole in the ground

dry again," s

we'd seen the last of that. Well, n

?" asked M

ways, when the spring goes dry, it isn't long before some of the cowboys come in

nt to have their afternoon naps, but Rose and Violet took their Japanese dolls, wh

ss?" asked Laddie, as he saw

a tent and live in it same as the Indians do. It's more f

I'll help you. But where c

"I guess Uncle Fred will let us take a

ay. Just as they were thinking about goin

to look at the ponies. I started to take you to them when we found

fun!" cr


ide a pony!"

" ejacula

it were a number of Shetland ponies, some no larger than big Newfoundland dogs. An

hey cute!" ex

e that black one

"Better try one of the more gentle ones fir

ks of four gentle ponies. The little animals seemed to know children w

addie were younger Uncle Fred and one of his cowboys led their ponies about

tighter hold of the reins and shook his feet in the

llop. Now Russ was not as good a horseman as he supposed, and

, as he left the pony on which V

was not hurt; and the pony, after trotting aroun

"Better learn more about the ponies first. You can have ju

around on the ponies for some time. Then Mun Bun and Margy awakened from their naps, and they, too, wanted rides. Their father and mother hel

" asked Laddie when it was

, "to-morrow we may all t


come, too?"

't know how to ride pony-back, and I'm no

and Laddie and Russ for a ride over the plain. We'll go and see if we can find

se. On the broad, shady porch stood Captain Roy. He was waiting for

?" asked the ranch

the cowboys just rode in to tell me that

le Fred. "When the spring goes dry

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