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Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 1704    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

r own emotions. Until he had kissed her hair, she had not known that she loved him-or rather loved an invisible presence that had enveloped her in an atmosphere of sympathy, of protectio

. The lacks in her life Hugh had supplied the more lavishly because he was aided, in her blindness, by the unrestricted powers of her fancy. But now in a

of fourteen? Strange that he should be so strong, that his heart should beat so loud, that his arms should draw themselves so closely, so powerfu

eep her mind busy with his talk to paint pictures for her, to command her with his magnetic presence. She stood still and strained her eyes. She must see again. If she tried hard, the red fog would surely lift. Happiness, and her new love, they would be strong enough to dispel the mist. There

d, vaguely directed smile, to sit beside her. She was aware

fully, "what can I do

er, sharp sound,

ou jea

vie," he

te, try to be a little more-more human. Tell me about yourself. Haven't you a bi

asked you t

et that she was start

cause he couldn't bear his own happiness. Pete-" She felt for him and

venly. "It was melting fro

Will you let me kiss you now-since you

he whispere

ut his neck, forcing his face down

and patient a face in its misery that her blind tenderness seemed almost like an intentional cruelty. It was an intensity of fee

me. You are sorry I came. And I want so dreadfully for some one just now to talk to-to hel

t that Pete found it easy to forget himself. He put his arm very carefully

other," he sai

en head shook. "No.

lp you, to understand, to listen to you. You see, you've been so much with Hugh, I

as a little girl holds her pet kitten for the pleasure of its warmth. "You must get over being s

do, Sy

ry your best now to describe Hugh to me-every bit of him? Tell me the color of his eye

ee all day long-why, you don't know what he lo

inly know the co

eyes-I think y

s hand tighter in her excitement. "Go on. If only

what else to say, Sylv

d carry me home? He moved as though he had a feather on his arm.

; b

s just the Viking sort of man I dreamed about when I was

, ra

here in the dark, and then-living on in the dark, just trusting my instincts, my intuitions, instead of my eyes. Voices tell a lot about people, don't they?-more than I ever dreamed they could. Pete, there is nothing

not, S

ve known half of his greatness; yet I can't help wishing he were free. It's sad to thi

ad," sa

u, Pete-don't be angry, please-I don't think y


ou are so young, and Bella is

Bella a lot better than you d

all these years to take care of you. I wonder where she'll go and what she'll do when Hugh and I get married. You're too old for a

la and I will have to go away

u great strong overgrown thing! Your heart goes thump-thump-thump-thump, as though it was as big as the s

a strang

o draw himself away from her. "

Hugh? I think sometimes he's rather hard with you-I'll have to speak to him about that. Oh"-in a sudden ecstasy-"how happy I am! I feel as ligh

"I promise. Let me

nt, the door was opened and shut quickly, stealth

hly. "Pete, they're after me.

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