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Standards of Life and Service

Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 1873    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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way, and it shall be called The w

rate roads, for his prophetic eye sees 'a highway an

wer paths along some of the roadways in the Holy City; but he makes it quite plain t

ere are two levels on which they run their various religious courses-one the lower, the other the higher path; one lying oft in shadow, the other up in the open sunshine

ife Conferences are on or off-like the man we heard testifying, who thanked God that he had had no ins and outs, but admitted many

ere is a beginning; a finishing place;

t finishes, if it finishes at all, amid the glories of the Heavenly World; but between

say; but Holiness is, after all, a state, a continuous experience, a set course or way in life where the will of the Lord is supreme, and

ing the blessing of Holiness and its enjoyment for many long years. But I was the more delighted to find his words supported by his acquaintances, who bore testimony that Bramwell adorned the doctrine so beautifully. Of himself this good man said, 'The Lord came suddenly to

was like a spring, continually overflowing with the most amiable, benevolent emotion. In his last years, in particular, he was like a shock of corn fully ripe and fit for the heavenly garner, or like a beautiful tree whose vigorous and luxuria

features of this pathway of the

l defilements. I heard of a good man who said, 'Many years ago the Lord took me out of the mire; some years after, He took the mire out of me'. I think you quite understand his meaning. Sin is a foul, sl

where the path commences, when one knows for the first time that the Blood cleanses, and the Holy Spirit sheds a

the perfect day'. As a result, your own heart is enlarged, your spiritual capacities increased, and, growing in grace, you advance in knowledge and favour with God. Those who walk this path

spiritual life is no longer like a leaky suction pump, half the time dry, and affording scanty water only by desperate tugging of the handle, but it is like an artesian well of water springing up

of the spiritual experience, but a growth or

ught out, whatever our topic may be, for Holiness and hard work are inseparable. The eyes being open to see the need, the hand is ev

The willing soul will ever be crying, 'Lord, what wilt Thou have me to

mptation and suffering; but, thank God,

living in God's way the more the Devil will attack you. The path which the holy Saviour trod was the way of the cross, an

us through no

ent throu

o God's Ki

er by th

e light afflictions ... work out an exceeding weight of glory'. The Book says, 'All who will live godly ... shall suff

experience of one who was deter

me. My soul was calm as a summer's evening. When it pleased the Blessed Master that I should suffer reproach and vilification for my testimony, then it was that the river of joy which flows from the Throne flowed through my heart as never before. It

the responding traitor within. One reason why religion is so unsatisfactory to some people is that they persist in walking on the low level where doubts often spoil their worship and the allurements of the world pull very hard, and its sir

s: see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting'. If, in sincerity and simplicity of intent

. The other refers to Heaven, and says, 'There shall in no wise enter any thing that defileth or maketh a lie'. By connecting these two you see that you need to be not only led along the heaven

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