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Stories of the Prophets (Before the Exile)

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1810    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

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lled to consider the message from the kings of Syria and Israel, Isaiah counselled an unhesitating and decisive refusal of their demand. While, ther

d to the point. Judah, he said, had no interest in the political policies and

no avail. Judah was strong, independent and at peace, and Jotham woul

his fear, sent the tribute to Tiglath-Pileser and became his voluntary subject. Menahem was hated by the rich merchants and large landowners as well as by the pe

Menahem in Samaria and Israel. Rezin was working toward a coalition of all the countries along the Mediterranean sea tha

country than his father. They looked to him to refuse the payment of the Assyrian tribute and to re-establish the independence of the Kingdom of Israel; but they w

ies. Pekaiah reigned in Samaria less than two years, when, in 735, through the assistance of Rezin and the conni

in the desperate conflict that awaited them. The smaller countries north of Israel and Syria, crushed under the burden of their Assyrian tribute, gladly joined the Syro-Israelitish coali

Jotham died, suddenly, and his son, Ahaz, a yo

was so arranged that, when the Syro-Israelitish forces attacked Jerusalem, a certain man, the son of Tabeal, who was willing to play the traitor, was to assassinate Ahaz

. The news that the two armies were on the march caused consternation, not

enemy. Neither Uzziah nor Jotham looked for a foe from that direction. In fact, the Syr

pare the capital for a siege. The fortifications were examined and strengthened. The water supply to the south of

Rehoboam, who "took council with the young men that were grown up with him." Ahaz did not call

az, his advisors and the commanders of his army, were examining the water supply of Jerusalem, preparatory to the inevitable siege, Isaiah went

hat the enemy was on the march, Isaiah's searching inquiries and careful observation of the leaders of the capital resulted in the discovery that the son of Tabeal was in league with Rezin and Pekah. It was Isaiah at this meeting, who

assured the trembling Aha

th purposed evil against thee, saying, 'Let us go up against Judah and distress it and overpower it and appoint the son of Tabeal king in its midst.' But thus saith the Lord God: It shall not stand, neither shall it co

. He turned away impatiently from the prophet and proceeded with his business of e

he cried to Ahaz. "Ask it either in the

not ask, neither will I


rd, Himself, will give you a sign. Behold, a young woman will bear a son and call his name Immanuel (God is with us). Befor

he political intrigue in Jerusalem became known to him, he immediately made up his mind what to do. He, th

action taken by Rezin and Pekah. Isaiah felt sure, also, that Tiglath-Pileser would immediately invade Syria. He knew, in addition, that neither Rezin nor Pekah was strong and powerful enough, at this time, to wage a protracted war with Assyria

displease the mighty King of Assyria, the latter would, after finishing his camp

been, since the day Ephraim departed from Judah, through the King of Assyria. Curds and honey

did anything except trust in the power and care of God for his people, Judah, like Syria and Israel, was destined t

dly had he returned to the palace that day, when he sent messenger

and your son. Come

ng of Assyria and f

el, who have

e in Jerusalem and the treasures of the royal palace,

Pekah were forced to hurry back to defend their own countries, and Judah was saved from Syro-Israelitish attack; but

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