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Swamp Island

Chapter 4 3

Word Count: 1702    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


her chum as the police dispatcher went

no bell in L

evers?" she inquired

y Livingston has good

? That reporter y

f my friends," she said. "But it's a known fact he's better look

d her chum. "Well, what about thi

d light. As it changed

es which developed at the Third Federal Loan Bank. Jerry dug up a lot of evidence, and the result was,

, now I

evers threatened if ever he went f

he's on t

ading for Riverview, a

e'd dare try to ca

o avoid hitting a cat which

il, but if they don't get him, he may try to seek revenge. It

you don't think Danny Deevers cou

Wouldn't it be

all sorts of wild animals must prowl about. And one easily coul

e island today, Lou. But it's a thought

tween the two men in the underbrush. Had the bearded stranger really been Ezekiel Hawkins, and if so, with whom

, Penny dropped Louise at the Sidell h

ems, the Parker family housekeeper, m

med. "Your father has telephoned twice. He's

way," Penny pleaded. "I'll grab a bath,

e girl already had strip

ter this, pay more heed to time. You know how much the succ

ut by the slam of the bathroom door

t to telephone Mr. Parker a

ss Parker home. She loved Penny, an only child, as her own, but there were tim

s. Weems. She had not entirely approved when Mr. Parker allowed the gir

ed her ability. Not only had the girl written many fine stories which br

st always be met. Knowing now that she dared not be late, she hurriedly

elephone call, she was downstairs again sear

housekeeper said. "Your father said

Penny flung over her shoulder, as she ran to

behind, the girl made a quick tri

oys were on the streets crying the

re relaxing at their desks, taking a fe

t, Jerry Livingston, pencil behind one ear and hair slightly rumpled, tapped aimlessly at the keys of

glamor girl!" he teased. "Ci

ed to chat. Now she flashed a quick sm

iddle-age stood talking to her father, who looked

as Penny approached. "Your daughter ne

itted, "but it always gives me h

said quickly before he could get in anothe


dded hastily. "Oh, Dad, they're simply beautiful-s

he wall clock. "We're due at the theater in ten mi

n't had time to decorate the banquet tabl

ed. "I'm late now. Have one of the photographe

se clothes looked as if he had slept in them, mov

t up, Chief,

" the publisher instructed. "Make it your job

dle her," Salt sai

y?" the publisher asked

said Penny. "H

a lot on my mind. That stunt we've planned for the en

urn 'em on again. He refuses an' they argue over union rules. The fight gets hotter until finally the workman pulls a revolver and lets him have it full blast. Jerry falls, clutching his chest.

he way you tell it," Mr. Parker sigh

hief," grinned S

ea. Maybe we ough

everything?" Mr. DeWitt asked, looking in

we planned, but I hope there is n

pocket. "Loaded with blanks." He pointed it at a neo

thal weapon," he observed. "Can I trust you guys n

. "The program starts as soon as I get to the theater. Speeches

promised. "Jerry, you r

my own car. Have a s

orter slipped carbons and paper into

h the newsroom. Catching Penny's eye, he pushe

ally, before noticing that t

g it onto the roller of his

ng suit if I don't pay my dry

the side. As he read the wire, his face became a s

ht," he commented, "but n

, snorted with disgust, a


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