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Sword and Gown

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2700    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

flock had decidedly raised his spirits: he knew how materially it would strengthen his hands; but, independently of all politic consideration, Cecil's grace and beauty exercised a powerful influence

ke more delight in the welfare and training of a beautiful and refined being, than in that of one who is coarse and awkward and ugl

es the theatrically effective style; but it never seemed to cross his mind that either could appear ridiculous or grotesque. Some absurd stories were told of his performances in this line. On one occasion, they say, he addressed his neighbor at dinner, to whom he had just been introduced, abruptly thus: "You see, what we want is-more faith," in precisely the manner and tone of a gourmet suggesting that "the soup would be all the better for a little more seasoning;" or of Mr. Chouler asserting, "the farmers must be protected, sir." On another, meeting for the first time a very pious and wealthy old man (I believe a joint-stock bank director), he proceeded to sound him as to his "experiences." The unsuspecting elder, rather flattered by the interest taken in his welfare, and never dreaming that such communications could be any thing but privileged and confidential, parted with his information pretty freely. Mr. Fullarton was so delighted at what he had heard that he turned suddenly round to the mixed assembly and cried out. "Why, her

he secret in

silence, u

ity of the liquors set before her, provided only that they were hot and strong, and unstinted. The succulent and highly-flavored eloquence to which she was listening suited her palate exactly, besides which, the chaplain's peculiar o

aborated evidently by long practice, expres

s of my flock I scarcely know, except by name. It is a sore temptation to discouragement. I fear that Major Keene's pernicious example is indeed

piety at first, to make herself feel interested, and, when this failed, upon her courtesy, to appear so; but she was conscious of relapses more and more frequent into the dreary regions of Boredom. Every body would agree with every body else so compl

on, who dealt in generalities as a rule, and objected to being brought to book about particulars-considering,

coffingly since of the discourse he heard delivered there. Yet I may say I was more than usually 'supported' on

assed, she might have looked upon as any thing but venial. Ah! Mr. Fullarton, the seed you have scattered so profusely to-night is beginning to bear fruit already you never dreamed of. Beet-root and turnips will not

sing himself at her expense when he affected an interest in her leading the choir. Unwittingly

not so ready, and she made the most of scanty means of condemnation). "Yet I scarcely think he can be actively hos

ust ere long have its injurious effect. Indeed, I felt it my bounden duty to warn Mrs. Molyne

hank her for it by a look, he missed detecting her pupil's smile. She could fancy so well Fanny's litt

under the circumstances. "She is my greatest friend, you know. When a wife is so very fond of h

he had just recollected another fac

l. Noscitur a sociis." The reverend man was an indifferent classic, but he had a way of flashing scraps out of grammars and

aw him to-day, only for a moment, for he drew his cloak over his face as we passed. I n

t to Armand's heart as he veiled his blasted features and haggard eyes, feeling bitterl

can not regard his sore affliction in any other light t

said, "The hand of God is laid so heavily there that man may surely forbear him." But Mrs. Danve

hough she said, "There may be more perfect saints, but if you want a fair specimen of the fine old English martyr-me voici.") "Cec

been exaggerated. At all events, he is not likely to do us much harm. Don't you think we are safe, Bessie? Dick does

lly abound in those semi-English Continental towns, had been kind enough to quote or misquote to him a remark of Royston's about that sermon; and

hat which brought Ilium to the dust, might have been traced to slighted vanity, and many excellent Christians have waxed quite as wroth as the queen of heathenish heaven about the spret? injuria form?. (Do you think this is a peculiarly feminine failing? I have seen a first-class man and Ireland scholar look massacres at the child of his bosom friend, when the unconscious innocent made disagreeable remarks on his personal appearance, alluding particularly to the shape of his nose, which was not Phidian. He has since been heard to spe

a pure and disinterested zeal for the welfare of his flock impelled him to say, "I shall make it my business to inquire more fully into Major Kee

silyan was more clear-sighted. She had not failed to remark a certain vicious twinkle in the speaker's eye

in this case perhaps it would be well to be quite sure before acting on the offensive. If I wer

t be quoted here, especially as it was not apposite enough to "lay" the contradictory spirit that was alive in his fair opponent. (How very angry Cecil would have been i

ssively presumptuous in me, especially as I have not the faintest interest in the subject we have been

as a sea-anemone, felt that, for once, he had overstaid his time and was periling his popularity. So, after an ex

an excellent man, and how well

ks a great deal, and it is ve

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