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The Lost City


Word Count: 2029    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

d assent, and, after a bri

game will do. Maybe a fellow couldn't fill his bag quite so full, nor quite so suddenly,

ied his brain, but the thread was broken, his pipe was out, and, emptying the ashes by ta

aerostat to a state of efficiency. So long as that remains in serviceable condition, we will alwa

membrance of all they had gathered concerning this strange scope of country since first settling down fairly within the shadows of the

out saying aught of what lay beyond; of the enormous animals, such as the civilised world never knew or fought with; of the terrible natives, taller than the pines, larger than the

he younger brother in lowered tones, glancing across to where thei

four different tribes tell a story so nearly alike, with

now, too, that there are such things as underground rivers, outsi

answered Bruno, w

l when it came to such things. I prefer to live in the pre

the pool at the base of the miniature waterfall; but his brother had a fairer

see? It's a buffalo,

machine! Down, Bruno, and

ng roar broke forth from the further side of that mountain stream, and as the dense bushes

and lips curling back to lay great teeth bare, while another angry sound, half growl,

d its mighty bulk, head wagging, paws waving in queer fashion, loll

sor, whose notice had likewise been caught by those unusual soun

us at first sight, unless-down

self in like manner. Although this was their first glimpse of "Old Eph" in his

ow the grizzly seemed wholly occupied with the buffalo bull, whose sturdy bulk and armed fr

Featherwit had drawn forth from the locker at first sight of the dangerous game. Thus armed, t

he bull cock its tail on high and tear up the soft soil with one fierce sweep o

the death, I think,"

t, you bull-headed idiot! Don't you know that you're not deuce

t that moment the buffalo made a sudden charge at his upright adversar

a bender! If I e

lding the dynamite gun under one arm while

sely against him; but their delight was short-lived, for, instead of following up the ad

lk and weight, the grizzly recovered its feet, then lum

f time the struggle was veiled by showers of leaf-mould and damp di

those spectators could really doubt. That encounter may have been pur

vigorous butt, sending bruin end for end down that gentle slope to souse into

buffalo had already suffered severely, bleeding from numerous great gashes torn by the grizzl

he water, bent upon renewing the duel; but there was little room left for doubti

, unable to hold his feelings in check, he gave a short cry, levelling his Winche

o charge this new enemy; but ere he could do more, the professor's gun spoke, and as the dy

ow, goring that quivering mass with unabated fury, though its lif

eloaded his gun, sending another shell across the

though beneath a bolt of lightning, life going out w

"He must have bled to death in a short time, and this was true mercy. Besides, buffalo mea

or suggested that, while he was completing repairs upon the aeromotor, the brothers should secure a supply of fish and of

st the aerostat, to make certain it has received no serious injury. Then, if all promises well, I mean to begin our tour of ex

ing after the flesh, while Waldo undertook to supply the fish. That w

ly answer his touch and will, rising easily off the ground, then descending at call,

fish nicely cooked and packed for carriage, a pot of strong coffee made and stowed beyond risk of leakage, the flying-machine itself qu

the hunter, and trout simply longed to be caught; but upon being assured of other oppo

alked about this morning, uncle Phaeton, for I simply can't; they'd get away w

ading towards the northwest; that is, direct for the heart of the Olympics, o

bare, rugged crest was once left fairly to the rear. Save for those bald crowns, all below appeared a solid carpet o

wit slackened speed, permitting the ship to drift onward at a moderate pace, one hand to

ry, partly rising in his excitement,

,-an inl

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