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The Lost World.

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 2313    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

k with Profes

which he could distinguish nothing smaller than an international crisis or a split in the Cabinet. Sometimes we saw him passing in lonely majesty to his inner sanctum, with his eyes staring vaguely and his mind hovering over

you seem to be doing very well," s


the Southwark fire. You have the true descreep

sk a

his eyes shunned mine.

me on some mission for the paper? I would do my b

ion had you in you

er in it. I really would do my very best. The mo

anxious to lo

ify my l

man with a name that would command public confidence who would get such an order. The big blank spaces in the map are all being filled in, and there's no room for romance anywhere. Wait a bit, though!" he added, with a sudden smile upon his

nywhere-I c

ged in thought f

d, at last. "You seem to have a sort of genius for establishing relations with people-seempathy,

very go

your luck with Professor

looked a li

the famous zoologist! Wasn't he the man who

ditor smil

you say it was advent

way of business,

m at the wrong moment, maybe, or in the wrong fashion. You may have better luck, or more tact in

nly remember his name in connection with the po

e on the Professor for some little time." He took a paper from a

cal Research. Foreign Member of'-well, quite a lot of things, about two inches of small type-'Societe Belge, American Academy of Sciences, La Plata, etc., etc. Ex-President Palaeontological Society. Section H, British Association'-so on, so on!-'Publications: "Some Observations Upon

you. I've nothing m

d the sli

head, and not a red face, which was fronting me. "I am not very c

flashed b

like an oyster. Something wonderful happened-or the man's a champion liar, which is the more probable supposeetion. Had some damaged photographs, said to be fakes. Got so touchy that he assaults anyone who asks questions, and heaves reporters down the stairs.

into a pink oval, fringed with ginger

ook out the list of Professor Challenger's exploits, and I read it over under the electric lamp. Then I had what I can only regard as an inspiration. As a Pressman, I felt sure from what I had been told that I could never hope to get into to

man seated in an arm-chair by the fire. He turned as I drew my chair up to him. It was the man of all others whom I should have chosen-Tarp Henry, o

now of Profess

c disapproval. "Challenger was the man who came

t st

suppressed it all. He gave an interview to Reuter's, and there was such a howl that he saw it wouldn't do. It was a d


ley sent a message: 'The President of the Zoological Institute presents his compliments to Professor Challenger, and wou


resents his compliments to the President of the Zoological Institute,

d Lo

ail at the meeting, which began: 'In fifty years experience

ore about C

out of place when I leave my study and come into touch with all you great, rough, hulking creatures. I'm too detached to talk scandal, and yet at scientific conversaziones I HAVE heard something of Challenger, for he is one of those men whom nobo

addist. What is hi

hing about Weissmann and Evolution. He had

tell me t

the proceedings exists. We have it file

need some lead up to him. It's really awfully good of you to

tific education having been somewhat neglected, I was unable to follow the whole argument, but it was evident that the English Professor had handled his subject in a very aggressive fashion, and had thoroughly annoyed his Continental

into English for me," I said,

is a tra

try my luck wit

ly rather deep

nite human idea, it would serve my turn. Ah, yes, this one will do. I seem in a vague way a

else I

f I could frame the letter here, and use

und here making a row and

e letter-nothing conte

You'll find paper there. I'd li

uch a bad job when it was finished. I read it aloud to th

aken the most profound interest in your speculations as to the differences between Da

liar!" murmu

id is a microcosm possessed of an historical architecture elaborated slowly through the series of generations.' Have you no desire, in view of later research, to modify this statement? Do you not think that it is over-accentuated? With your permission, I would ask t

surances of profound re


" I asked, t

conscience c

ever fail

do you m

me opening. I may even go the length of open conf

nswer for you here on Wednesday morning-if he ever deigns to answer you. He is a violent, dangerous, cantankerous character, hated by everyone who comes acro

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