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The Lure of the Dim Trails


Word Count: 2129    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

had told himself proudly, was not bad for a beginner; and he had smiled in anticipation of Hank Graves' surprise which was fortunate, since he would otherwise have been cheated o

. Thurston had never before been conscious of feeling ill at ease in the presence of a servant, and hurried through the meal so that he could escape into the clear sunshine, feeling a bit foolis

the yard and on to the stables. He nodded at Thurston and grinned without apparent cause, as the cook had done. Thurston followed him to the corral and watched him pull the saddle off his hor

ver the ears of his horse and dismissed him with a slap on the

he indulgence and straightened. "How should I know?" he retorted. "Anyone can

pon a barking revolver and shooting as he went. "You're bound to learn all about saddles and what they're made for," he went on. "So long as yu

erve. "Park, see here," he said eagerly. "Graves said he'd turn me over to you, so you could-er-teach me wisdom. It's deuced rough on you, but I hope you won't refuse to be bothered with m

blue-joint meadow in June, but yuh got the right stuff in yuh, and it's a go with me. You co

ok his head.

fan your lungs with cigarette smoke regular." The twinkle b

along been uncomfortably aware of the sharp contrast between his own modis

g to the house and discard before the boys get sight of yuh. They'd queer yuh with the whole outfit, sure. Uh course," he went on soothingly when he saw the resentment in Thurston's eyes, "I expect they're real stylish-back

New York," Thursto

lack, would yuh? You amble right along and get some pants on-and when you've wised up some you'll thank me a lot. I'm going on a little jaunt down the creek, befo

s he was commanded to do; and no man save Park and the co

yuh don't spur him in the neck, which you ain't liable to do at present; and Hank says you can have this saddle for keeps. Hank used to ride it, but

fraid I don't qu

n saddle-horses that yuh ride turn about, and nobody else has got a

red, "one will be enough for me. I'll scarcely need a doze

e. Wait till yuh set out in the dark, on your horse, and count the stars and watch the big dipper swing around towards morning, and listen to the cattle breathing close by-sleeping while you ride around 'em playing guardian angel over their dreams.

" Then he swung back his feet and the horses broke into a lope which jarred t

yesterday-it was her come down on the train with me, yuh remember." Thurston

g how Mona Stevens' mouth looked when s

d considerable. But the trouble is, them that know ain't in the writing business, and them that write don't know. The way I'v

as, blushed guiltily. He was thankful that his stories of the West had, without exception, been reje

horses slowed for a climb, and he breathed thanks. "In the first place," he began again when he had readjusted himself car

s coming up from the Panhandle which is a part uh Texas. And we trail 'em up here and turn 'em loose this side the river. After that we'll start the calf roundup. The Lazy

u ever shipped cattle into this country. I suppose

cheaper than raising calves, yuh know. When yuh get to Billings, Bud, you'll see some cattle! Why, our bunch alone will make seven trains, and that ain't a commencement. Cattle's cheap down South, this yea

breaking to a man not accustomed to the saddle. Thurston had written, just before leaving home, a musical bit of verse born of his luring

eclined almost rudely, for he had a feeling that once out of the saddle he would have di

pointed its nose to the East, and he would never again have essayed the writing of Western stories or musical verse which sung the joys of galloping blithely off to the sky-line. He had just been g

one's muscles; afterward he had crept painfully up the stairs, clasping to his bosom a beer bottle fil

and laughed one of his soundless chuckles. "The son-of-a-gun! He's the right stuff. Never w

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